March 7, 2025

22 thoughts on “VIDEO: My Long-Lasting 10 and 20 Cell Module Trays Perfect for Gardeners

  1. I know this is a bit of an advertising campaign – BUT – I love the fact that they are so durable, strong and reusable multiple times. Personally I do use all plastics until they 'drop' – but by their very strong nature these will probably 'drop' long after I am gone!

  2. Hoping to get some. Have been looking for some new ones but haven’t found anything I think. Have found some large 72 cell ones I got with water trays. But as you say sometimes you want to multisow and sometimes it’s really good to grow them on in the greenhouse instead of putting them out . Ive been left some money from my grandad so may use a bit to get some of these so I have them ready for next year. I probably could save up to get some but would be less and later then I would like. And grandad loved eating the fresh lettuce and tomatoes from my garden he said they were better then anything else. Bless him. I think he be proud of me to do that and could call them grandads plants

  3. Oh, these look very nice! I had purchased some Burpee brand ones in 2020 that I had hoped would be long-lasting, but with multiple uses they began falling apart on me this year.

    Any thoughts to if these can be used with pre-existing base trays, or would I also need to purchase these base trays specifically as well?

  4. This is great news Huw. Your tray addresses every issue that I have with my current trays. I’ve been using the same Burpee (70?cell) tray for years. It was thin, too large, too flexible. Great, well thought out, improvements with your containers.

  5. Huw. Very excited for 10 cell, our small garden.
    Question: What size do you recommend to transplant tomato seedlings? Last year ours got so tall we had to lay them in a trench. .
    Retired, in our 70's, no dig, on a budget.

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