March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Solar Fertility Systems with Mark Dempsey & Pat Battle Part 5

Join Mark Dempsey and Pat Battle for this Carolina Farm Stewardship Association’s Sustainable Agriculture Conference session from the 2021 online conference about solar energy capture in plants and how sunshine can maximize fertility by feeding the microbial soil food web. Ramping up fertility with the sun and the soil food web can be done by working with a diversity of plants that act as soil regulators. Combining plants in ways that engage natural synergy improves nutrient access for all the plants and microbes from available resources. In part 5, Pat describes a topic he is passionate about; intercropping with weeds.
Learn more about the Sustainable Agriculture Conference at and see info from the 2022 conference at #CFSA2022

6 thoughts on “VIDEO: Solar Fertility Systems with Mark Dempsey & Pat Battle Part 5

  1. Who would know what this video is about with the title you gave. How will people know about these weeds unless you could rename the title of this video. Thanks for your research and most importantly, thanks for sharing it

  2. This is great – we had a lot of pig weed come up in an area that we had moved our chickens through and although we didn't terminate them, we didn't know they were edible and valuable.

  3. We love Lambs quarters and pigweed! Both sprout naturally in my gardens and the Lambs quarters in particular make a beautiful, edible, tasty and ground cooling ground cover around my trees and other plants. We harvest and consume or feed to animals when it is necessary to keep them from overcrowding the other plants 🙂

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