December 22, 2024

VIDEO: ⏳ Here's What's Coming~ ESG Talk ⏳

⏳ The decisions everyone will make NOW & TOMORROW.
🧡 See you on the farm! 12~2~2022
👉 Glenn Beck:
👉 100 Top ESG Companies:

~ Lodge Cast Iron Griddle:
~ Kwik Cut Biscuit Cutter:

🧡 Patara’s Social Media:
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🧡 Snail Mail:
PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933

~ Music by Epidemic Sound

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: ⏳ Here's What's Coming~ ESG Talk ⏳

  1. Hopefully some of the richest and smartest conservatives can come up with their own ways of doing things and we can help grow their ideas by supporting them. Kind of like Elon Musk did. I just know we have to be careful of what we’re supporting.

  2. Like my dad always said, don't let a wishbone grow where your backbone should be. I love that you have zero tolerance for b.s. and cower to no one.
    Thank you for all of the hard work you put into your videos!

  3. I just consume as little as possible and try to by American made (which is not easy to find or afford). We allowed ourselves to be backed into a corner. It's either fight back or learn to enjoy enslavement.

  4. The email address you gave did NOT work. I was wondering if you heard about the new IRS rule for 2023: people with side hustles that pay over $600 will be taxed. I think the banks and companies like PayPal are reporting your transactions to the IRS.

  5. Few people can even imagine how bad things can get if humanity gives absolute power to governments. There are hints like the Canadian programs like MAid Medical Assistance in Dying which is basically euthenasia. There is also talk of involuntary termination of children who have serious medical problems as well. Humanity has always been hanging on to the cliff of disaster by their fingernails without even realizing their danger. All it takes to end civilization is for the food trucks to stop resupplying the grocery stores. At that point civilization is pretty much over and it becomes survival of the toughest and ther is little room in that scenario for morality or conscience. As individuals most people lack even basic survival skills and they won't last long when things come apart. Estimates are that 90% of the world's population would be dead within a year. In that situation there would have to be a revival of a warrior culture to create safety enough to allow the growing of food and defense of their community. Savagery lurks only a couple of months in the future if society experiences a complete disassociation with the modern lifestyle.

  6. When GOD is forced out of everywhere we are he is a perfect gentleman and has left. It has opened a door for satan to waltz right in. The best news I can offer is GOD WON. The battle has been fought the outcome has been decided. Keep the faith, pray hard.

  7. I've followed this for a few years and have learned from others. I believe we are seeing the foundation being laid for the AntiChrist beast system during the tribulation period. The Body of Christ will be removed prior at the rapture. However we will not be spared difficult times, how much only God knows. I suggest we stay our of debt for one thing and have some savings in gold and silver while we can. Look at China to see how the ESG score works and learn abour the World Economic Forum. They are running the world leaders.

  8. Really suprised that Susan wiki wiki hasn't put an RSG "truth" warning on this video already.. you rock girlfriend! ESG is death like CBFCs and the great reset…

  9. Great video! Better then chocolate cake… would have been better with a little James in it. Hes the man I wanna be when I grow up… and im older then he is….lol

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