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~ Music by Epidemic Sound
Twitter put a warning on the mastitis video I posted and I appealed it.
I have never had a richie Christmas but yet grew up with the best Christmas's. Grandma and mama, and me when I grew up, cooking and baking and making candies, family coming together was the best. That changed drastically just before my baby daughter passed away. Family has never been the same but I tried for many years. Now it's just me. Thankfully I am blessed to have been adopted in to an Appalachian family and I don't have to be alone for Christmas. My daughter and grands are too busy and involved in their own lives to have time for me now. I live in an enclosed cargo trailer with my 2 labs. I'm broke most of the time but I'm blessed in other ways. There's a lot to be said for peace and love and I have that. There are many that don't. That's my fervent prayer and wish for all this Christmas season is peace and love. And yes Jesus is most definitely the reason for the season and from day one he gave us the best gift ever given. Be blessed.
Two Christmas’s from my childhood really stick out. I am an only child, and within reason pretty much got what I wanted. I didn’t ask for huge things, and certainly didn’t have an attitude of expectation, but I was definitely blessed.
When I was about 7, we lived in Texas and my Aunt lived in Oklahoma. My mama found out several days before Christmas that my Uncle had lost his job and they just didn’t have the money for presents or Christmas dinner. I remember her being so upset. It wasn’t like today where you can pretty quickly send money or gifts, so there was nothing she could do to help in time. Our tree had a ton of presents beneath it, and I didn’t want to open any of them. I was so sad that my little cousin would have to go without. On Christmas Day my aunt called, all excited, and said the night before a nice couple knocked on their door and said they’d heard they were going through a hard time. They didn’t have any kids of their own and they had brought a ton of gifts for my cousin and groceries so my aunt could fix Christmas dinner. I remember how thankful I was that they wouldn’t go without, and being in awe that strangers would do that for them. That was the best gift I got that year. I don’t even remember the presents beneath the tree, but I will never forget that kindness.
After that I remember always helping others when they were down on their luck. I’m sure my parents did before that too, but it really began to stick out to me after that. A few years later they had joined some local club that had a fundraiser to buy Christmas gifts for kids. This was in the 80s, and I think they’d raised about $100 per child. Walmart opened up for them early so that they could bring the kids in and let them pick out gifts. Similar to Shop with a Cop, I suppose. For whatever reason my parents let me go with them while they shopped. When we got there I saw a boy from my class at school. He was so excited. And I’ll never forget one little girl. All she wanted to do was buy a pink blanket for her own mama because she didn’t want her to be cold, and her favorite color was pink. She was willing to go without to give to her mom. The members came together and added more money so she could get that blanket without dipping into the money they had raised for her.
I’m 43 years old and not a Christmas goes by when I don’t think of those two memories. Teach your children the true blessing of giving to and helping others. It’s something that will stick with them for a lifetime.
My favorite memories of Christmas include the Candle Light Communion service in church on Christmas eve. The church was decorated with Christmas greens, red roses and lots of candles. The Christmas story was read and lots of carols sung! Beautiful!
I'm having the females of the family assemble together. We're making cookies and other sweets to give as gifts. Time together and great gifts within my budget.
My husband and I haven’t bought each other Christmas presents in 8 years. We take that money and give it to our town’s food bank.
When I was young and one of eight children, my mom only had $40 to spend on us for Christmas. Five dollars each was the limit, but I can't tell you what year that was because every year was magical. My Lord and Savior is the reason for the season. God Bless America and each of you.
Thank you for the information. It is about CHRISTmas.
I remember one Christmas when money was very tight and we had 8th grader, 2 in high school and one in college at home and no work. The children didn't like it very much because they wanted the expensive gifts, but I gave them each a plate of homemade Christmas cookies and my husband gave them simple Dollar Tree food and drink gifts. Two of the children still complain about that Christmas, but the other 2 understand the reason why we had to do this. Just remember that the Ingalls girls were excited to get a new tin cup and a stick of peppermint candy for a gift one Christmas.
Family together
Thank you for the message of the true meaning of Christmas
I believe the greatest gift of all we can give each other is love 
My family shops a lot at Goodwill and other second hand stores for both adults and kids. We get items that are new or like new for a fraction of the cost of new.
when i was fourteen i got my first guitar. best gift i ever got. that was 55 years ago.
I bet Miss Belle felt a whole lot better when that thing got lanced/drained.
We’re not exchanging gifts with my family or my husband’s family. We are going to enjoy just being together as family
Patara that brought back some beautiful memories.. it was never really about the gifts. How blessed I was.
lol still to this day I love Swatch watches!!
but you are's how our kids feel not the material things
We get together every holiday at our place with my 3 siblings and their spouses , Mom and everyone’s kids and their kids. We have about 50-60 show up and all the cousins get to see each other. Kind of like a holiday family reunion, potluck. It is the only time some of the little ones see the others. Everyone looks forward to that time. Family is important
I have a gift for you that you can accept. I will pray for you.
No kids. But I am giving practical gifts that hopefully inspire prepping our family to think about the future and to start prepping.
My Swatch watch still works.
Simple this year for sure….will have gifts for the grands….and one for my 87 year old Dad ( who needs nothing other than a new bathrobe!). My husband and I are foregoing gifts…but we will have a nice meal for the 3 of us. Lost Mom 3 years ago…lost our center….not decorating…but will make the day as special as we can for Dad.
My kids are old enough now that I can start handing down family heirlooms………begins a lot of conversations about family and how they lived back in the day.
We always do small gifts and it serves us well. Plus homemade goodies!