March 28, 2025

VIDEO: Plan Your 2023 Garden in 10 Easy Steps

Want to start a new veg garden in 2023? Or perhaps you’ve already got a few growing seasons under your belt but you want a few tips on how to improve your layout. In this week’s episode Ben walks us through his garden and shows us everything we need to think of to plan the perfect vegetable garden in ten simple steps.
Follow the steps shown in this video and make your garden the most productive ever!

For more planning tips, see this video:

Want to grow in shade? Watch this one next:

…or binge watch the whole playlist!

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…

To receive more gardening videos subscribe to our channel here:

If you’ve noticed any pests or beneficial insects in your garden lately please report them to us at

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Plan Your 2023 Garden in 10 Easy Steps

  1. I am focusing my garden on kitchen staples such as tomatoes, potatoes, beans, peppers, pumpkins and other easily preserved vegetables and/or herbs that will lend themselves to canning or dehydrating. I'm also planning a few fun things that just look interesting, like bird house gourds and some seasonal treats such as melons and popcorn.

    I watched the video on money saver crops. I have not had much success with any of the squash that you featured (except the pumpkins) as powdery mildew was a real problem. I do plan on having a small number of those this year, and experimenting with 'organic' vs 'enviro-nazi' methods of managing the problem, as well as trying some resistent hybrid cultivars (however, I prefer heirloom varieties so I can save the seed). LOL!

    I will be testing a 'natural' milk based spray vs a copper sulfate approach and see which one is better. I have found that — generally speaking — so-called organic products end up being two or three times as expensive, and half as effective as the much maligned 'chemical' alternatives. (Never mind that EVERYTHING can be broken down into it's chemical parts, and there are some very 'natural', 'organic' things in nature that are quite toxic….but I digress.)

    I love your channel and passion! And thank you for mentioning the pollinators! I am also a hobbyist bee keeper (I think the fancy term is apiarist). So many people blame chemicals for the demise of our bee populations (and that is partially true) but, even more so, it is a problem of habitat and available forage. Our bees are starving and have no place to live as land is cleared of 'weeds' and trees. So, plant those flowers or we humans may also starve! Without the pollinators there is no food!

  2. Quick Question on the path material. Last year I laid down weed barrier and used mulch for my walkways. I live in New Mexico, at about 6k feet. After a few months and some rain, the mulch started growing mushrooms and my dog ended up eating some of them and was poisoned. He is still on medication trying to recover from the incident. Do you have any recommendations on how to kill the spores in the mulch other than using harsh chemicals? My wife wants me to rip out all the mulch this year and I am looking for alternative ideas. Thanks!

  3. I really appreciate that you give alternatives to your own product and don't talk down about the alternatives. I'm not able to purchase your garden planner right now, but when I have more garden funds I'll definitely be spending my money with you over another garden planning app. I've learned so much from your videos and website. I'm excited for my second year of gardening!

  4. getting ready ready to start again. The old place was so layered in organic stuff, I could grow rocks from a pebble. I miss the asparagus already. Thanks for the inspiring videos. BTW… I just had to log in again for the planner. Since 2015. Cheers and happy gardening.

  5. Excellent tips and tricks I do hope to have a more sucessful year this year Ill look at thr planner glad I don't hsve to input my bankimg info for the trial I hate companies that do that

  6. Quick question for anyone in the comments, its my first year starting my garden after the purchase of my house, i have limited grass space but i have tons of gravel/stony areas, can you used raised beds on gravel or you would recommend pots for growing various veggies and herbs?

  7. This is by far my favorite ad for anything. I am rewatching this video because I am completing an assignment for my marketing class about my "favorite promotion"
    Just adding another comment to help boost your YouTube stats. I'm loving the garden planner! Thanks!!

  8. Sorry new to the channel. Loved the video. Is this based in New Jersey. I live in New Jersey and want to experience this home grown vegetables, I am completely new and blank to this process.

  9. I’m sure you’ve covered it but how much day to day maintenance does gardening tend to take? Clearly it would go up with bed numbers but I’m interested in getting started

  10. 1st gardener here (we’ve had some patio herbs & peppers before)
    My fiancé built us 6 raised planters- I’ve been planning all winter (and have gotten impatient and have grown in whiskey barrels)
    Safe to say I’ve over planned, over planted, and now impatiently awaiting harvest.
    Thx for your wholesome videos, can’t wait to see your garden this spring/summer!

  11. Ben, thank you so much for including the sequence of plants to position (fussy, vining etc). Very excited to use these principles as I plan my new garden space. Thank you for your cheery disposition & for sharing your knowledge!

  12. Hey Ben, I'm getting a small 10×12 greenhouse/ garden house put in my yard near my gardening plot. I heard you state to put it in a protected area. It shouldn't be in the sun?? Do you mean to put it in amongst trees? I need to know because I have a beautiful Maple tree I was gonna cut down to place this Garden/green house but maybe I should leave it there…please help with your advice!!! S.O.S.

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