Lemongrass is an essential ingredient to many Asian recipes – and it just so happens to be incredibly good for you too. What’s not to love?! Grow some of your own from seed and have fresh, lemony stalks to hand, whenever you need them.
VIDEO: Growing Lemongrass is Easy (Honest!)
Lemongrass is an essential ingredient to many Asian recipes – and it just so happens to be incredibly good for you too. What’s not to love?! Grow some of your own from seed and have fresh, lemony stalks to hand, whenever you need them.
My cat likes to eat my lemon grass.
I have the oil for my diffuser smells nice
I buy pieces at the Asian food market, root them in water, and plant. They don't cost much.
I did not know lemongrass had seeds. I'm a 50 year old Asian.
I've never used lemongrass. Do you keep it in pots always ? I bet it smells wonderful
Your vid cut short. Just an FYI.
I'm gonna get me some seeds
never grown lemongrass before sounds great
Very timely. I'm trying to grow lemon grass from seed now. Hopefully they germinate.
I got a free packet of lemongrass seeds in a seed order once. had no idea what it was and tossed it in the can of seeds never to be seen again.
Plant some by doorways if mosquitoes are a problem.
Do you know here by that seeds?
I just dumped my seeds next to the road, it outcompete normal grass by a longshot and now it looks like some kind of a bush.
Thank you, Ben. What a good idea. I have never even tried it as they don't sell it round here, so I'll give nit a go. Mind you, they don't even sell radishes in our local Spar shop hahaha
Careful where you plant it. We put some around edge of house for mosquitos and it attracted every cat in the neighborhood.
Lemon grass can repel pest from chilli and tomato. Good companion plant for them
Faster to grow from stem
Be careful with Lemongrass in the garden. I had to remove a multi-year grown clump that was starting to take up a lot of room in my garden. Pruning is a multi-sensory delight which I miss now. I come from a land Down Under, specifically the sub-tropics, so a lot of Thai cooking ingredients grow very easily where I am e.g. Asian greens grow like weeds here. Cheers!
And it causes bees to swarm
Here in Lebanon, we locally call this plant "Shai Akhdar" in Arabic, which literally translates to "Green Tea". I guess this naming came from the fact that using it while preparing tea is kind-of a tradition here. So, yeah, we use it quite a lot and many grow it. I even have two big clusters on my balcony; one of them seems to be producing seeds!
Thank you for the video.
i love lemon grass in my asian soups.. even just plain chicken soup and add some fish sauce… replaces salt
If you happen to have a market where you can buy stocks of lemon grass, you can cut off the bottom and root it, like you would an avocado seed, and then plant it , I cut mine back at the end of summer, wash the pieces and freeze them after drying, and I have it all winter, and I bring my plant inside and put it back on the patio in the summer