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#appalachiashomesteadwithpatara #godblessamerica #staybusy
Patera, just trying to clarify the parking pass issue. Is the pass for all the parks for one year? Or is it for a specific park for one year, one month, one visit or each time you park?
I remember growing up and traveling across the country, east coast to west and taking a different route back. We intentionally sought out the national and state parks to tour, walk, view the sites. Camping was always extra. That I can understand.
The national parks were meant To preserve the areasto be areas preserved for future generations to see the natural setting of flora and fauna, topography that was unique.
If our states would budget better, every state could prosper. People in office DO NOT need a Keurig machine in each office, start buying office materials at Wal-Mart or Dollar G, stop going to $100/plate "business" meetings, etc… so much money is wasted and it's sickening.
When your a democrat and stealing is how you live, you have to sell your stolen goods somewhere. They got Joe to buy all that baby blood.
Plenty of tax money of ours going to other countries but not enough for our national parks!!
Think about who the government would be selling the land to!!!
I thought the national parks had already been given to China as loan guarantees?
In 1972, our government signed the United Nations’ World Heritage Treaty, a treaty that creates “World Heritage Sites and Biosphere Reserves.” Selected for their cultural, historical or natural significance, national governments are obligated to protect these landmarks under U.N. mandate
China already owns huge parts of the country, farm land, land next to/connected to military bases, which should not even be allowed, having a foreign government owning land connected to our military bases, or even farm land
They are so broke they are giving billions to Ukraine. Losers
I’m also from East Tennessee and spent a many of weekends in our beautiful Smokey Mountains but it’s gotten so crowded we hardly go there anymore I’d rather spend my time in the Cherokee national forest also especially the Cherohola Skyway and camping at Indian Boundary, My grandmother was full blooded Cherokee from North Carolina i love my heritage and our beautiful state especially East Tennessee
I love your spirit, it gives me strength. ??Thank you.
they sold our parks to China.
It's no conspiracy. They have already said you want own anything and we
Will be happy .I don't think people will be happy.
Wouldn’t need more money if they’d stop giving all of the tax dollars to the sham/scam Ukraine war
Shout out to you from Australia
Name is Lederer from Austria the same as the first white man to Map the Appalachian mountains
OHHH HELL NOOOO!!! This better not be true. They cannot do that, it's just wrong, someone better stop them. There are special places in hell for people who would sell and/or destroy a National Park. This is one that will make me go tie myself to a tree. Not that it would stop them, I know they could care less about me or trees, but if enough of us did it, MAYBE they wouldn't!
For years I go to Yosemite, just bus load of communist Chinese after bus loads. Why?
Welcome to California! We've been charged for decades! On a serious note, we have already been discouraged from feeling like we have any sort of investment in our national parks. You are dead on, sister. Dead on.
Not parks but China & Saudi Arabia own farms in Phoenix get free water to irrigate their fields (very low on water here) they then ship all that hay or whatever they grew with our resources back to their home country. Foreign countries should not be allowed to own our land. Our government has sold us out!!
A trillion dollars for a foreign war that is not our war is no problem, but we can't afford park rangers?
I paid $65 to go into Yellowstone in 2019 when I flew out there. I went to The Smokey Mountains was really crowded when I went up there in 2021. A turn off… The demonrats will probably sell the National Parks to the Chinese.
Thankyou for bringing this up. My home state parks have been charging an entry fee for years. They charge for camping. The price has gone up greatly and nothing has changed for the better. And they have sold some property, logging rights for years. Yes they want it all. God bless
Teddy Roosevelt is rolling over in his grave.
Already have foreign powers buying our agricultural land .
When they pay to use their own backyard it will be to late.
Plenty of ways to solve problems and this isn't one. Thank you Patera for sharing this thought of truth which I do believe is what's starting here. I'm grateful God moved us from the city life to the rural life. Man is trying make everyplace a profitable place instead of leaving everything free to the people to enjoy as God intended to be. May God open the eyes and ears to everyone who will receive what the Spirit is saying. Pay attention, prepare, plan and pray. Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. I pray we keep our faith and love always with God. Amen! Missouri Wrightchk