July 2, 2024

22 thoughts on “VIDEO: Surprises on the plot

  1. Talking of strimming and lost plants (but not), last year my Rhubarb was strimmed 'out of existence' (I didn't know it was there at the time) then low and behold, like a Dandelion, up it sprang – in two clumps. Nature is resilient! Lovely video again Adam.

  2. I'd take the netting off too if it gets rid of your rabbits!! Nice to see your plot coming back to life, your lupins are going to be show stoppers! That is some thick garlic stems, should be a great year for them. Have a great week ahead Adam:)

  3. My wife says you can eat everything but sometimes you die works for rabbits too. Have you seen anything from Mick?
    Nice to have a few surprises in spring. Well apart from the duff battery on the strimmer..
    All the best mat Dave

  4. Hey Adam, LOL the old school way still works… gotta do what you gotta do… Of course you would get the rabbits when you weren't even trying. With all of your "I thought it died" flower you should have quite a show later in the season, T

  5. Hi adam great flowers, like you in my garden my luoins and lillies are really plodding on wheras last year they were a bit scruffy. It must be the year of the flowers . Take care AJ

  6. It's great when you get surprises. I sowed some asparagus a fair while ago and gave up on it – but one just popped up. Too late though, the missus thought it was mare's tail and hacked it to death. Well it was a nice surprise while it lasted 🙂

  7. Hello Sir wanted to know if you know that there is another YouTube channel called allotment life that channel has all the gardeners videos including yours wanted to know if you are part of that channel. Thanks Rose

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