September 28, 2024

VIDEO: it's time to clear things up…




CUCUMBERS, Everything You Need To Know!


25 thoughts on “VIDEO: it's time to clear things up…

  1. Would love to know how you let the chickens in without them ripping up annuals or mixing wood chips with the soil. Thanks for everything!

  2. Re: Tomatoes, I recently discovered an amazing cherry called Santorino. It has a colourful history and looks like a miniature beef steak, as well as being delicious, and heat and drought tolerant.

  3. You have a few things figured out! Give yourself some credit! fav tomatoes 1. Any Beefsteak 2. RUTGERS 3.Big Red Cherry ( Brandywine and Chef's Choice = beefsteaks) Seeds I watch for: 1.Martha Washington (slicer) 2 Ponderosa Red (beefsteak) 3.Supersweet 100 (cherry tomato)

  4. I am too old to garden now as I fall when I bend over. I wish someone had started this system 50 years ago, as I love what you do. I watch all of your videos, as I was a canner and had a big family. In WA we have clay soil too and I couldn’t get anything to grow. I would drive east about four hours to get truckloads of food for my family. They never tasted tin can fruits or veggies. Harmful roundup was not in use and we had a good life. My boys still make their own bread and can from a greenhouse. They are too old to start a natural garden like yours, but buy local. Thank you for your hard work and series. Many will benefit from it. Grandma

  5. I live in an apartment building whose owners spray every inch of grass. I might never have a Food Forest, but your channel is entertaining, educational and well, I get a kick out of Tuck and Forest.

    I see your neighbors have some serious fencing. Does you Food Forest cause problems in the neighborhood? I think the Food Forest is kind of an ark which has a potential in times of crisis to increase your sustainability.

  6. ooohhhh, the mystery deepens. Who is the mystery filming person holding the camera. We know it can't be his head of security: tuck, cuz he's in the videos too. and it's probably not the chickens.

  7. I am so glad I ran across your videos! You are so energetic in your presentation ; and inspirational to me. Do you ever garden by the signs? As I live only a mile from the birthplace of Robert Grier (Grier's Almanac): I was just curious.

  8. HaHa….too polite to say NOYB! So, does that 1/3 acre include the house? If so, you are sure doing so much with what seems like so little. Or, somehow it looks so much bigger in the videos. It seems like you can wander forever. That's my garden goal. I have an empty lot that was pretty much a cow feed lot. Waiting on the husband to remove most of the manure layer because it's almost 1 foot deep in parts. And it slopes. Got a lot of just plain hard structural work to do first.

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