June 11, 2024

VIDEO: Groceries for the Month of July

This video shows our grocery shopping trips for the month of July. Our goal is to spend an average of $100.00 per month for the year for groceries. This month brings our grocery spending for the year to $717.82. This brings us to an average of $102.55 per month. We have five more months to get our average below $100.00!

11 thoughts on “VIDEO: Groceries for the Month of July

  1. Lea, you are frugal as ever, especially compared to me! But since I have been watching your channel, the spending for July seems like one of the higher spending months I have seen. I also noticed no Friday free item for one of the weeks, I am guessing that means noting was free that week, or at least nothing you wanted was free.

    I hope school is going well, say "hi" to Al for me!

  2. Now I am upset, had a ton of dill, you could have a half a gallon jar. Do you want some dill seed? Once it starts comes back every year. Frugal to say the least your shopping. Htgde

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