July 2, 2024

8 thoughts on “VIDEO: Allotment Grow How – Planting French Beans

  1. dont worry about buying replacement plants at the garden center. if we didnt all do that, the garden centers wouldnt exhist. loved the action music and adventer movie feel of the bean planting, with classical to end. wonderful.

  2. Wicked video, was a horrible windy weather, great to get the beans planted, GC are good for getting plants that don't grow or when plant do badly, I had to get some sweetcorn plants as not many germinated

  3. That was a mini adventure in one video.  I laughed, I cried, and then I pressed the thumbs up button.  Great video mate.  Really enjoyed it.  I shall be doing a lot of planting out at the weekend, with beans part 2 making a staring appearance and possibly sunflowers.  I still live in hope of my butternut squash appearing but am now planning on 2018 as they date when they do finally germinate 🙂  Great video mate.  All the best.

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