June 25, 2024

19 thoughts on “VIDEO: 5 Easy Vegetables to Grow

  1. Great suggestions Adam. the beetroot has always been my downfall, but I shall keep on trying. If you don’t mind the inquiry; the purple ticket that’s on your board there, behind you… it’s been there for awhile now; it’s expiring soon, why not use it… I’m just being curious… thank you for the video suggestions.

  2. Hi Adam, like you say spring is not far away now. I just can't wait to get out there. As you know I will start my spuds in buckets. By the way, will you want some cosmos this year?. Dave.

  3. Good advice for getting some early crops.
    Question:  What does "W.C is FANNY" mean?  It was distracting my from your message – Lol !! ;-))

  4. Morning Adam. Great video. All of your choices are great beginner plants, not just for the plot, but you can so all but the broad beans in containers. So, for someone who doesn't have a ground garden, just a patio or deck, they can grow those veg very easily in containers. Happy Gardening! Catherine

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