June 16, 2024

VIDEO: Urban Homestead Radio Episode 1: Introduction Part 1

Welcome to the premier Urban Homestead Radio podcast!

In this episode, the Dervaes Family recount the joys and struggles of being raised by their visionary Father, Jules Dervaes and the decades of hard lessons and experience that have empowered them to become the leading experts in the Homegrown Revolution. Laughter and sorrow combine to bring the Urban Homestead’s story to life in this two-part episode. Be sure to listen carefully to each story to catch the secrets of homesteading that Anais, Justin, and Jordanne sprinkle throughout the show.

Many thanks for stopping by to listen to the Urban Homestead Radio and “Keep on growing!”(tm)

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One thought on “VIDEO: Urban Homestead Radio Episode 1: Introduction Part 1

  1. Be confident, speak loud, share your passion! Have talking points ready to go. Video footage is always a positive. The long intro song is okay for the first episode but maybe shorten it up in the future. Let the Urban Homestead speak through you! People want to live through you and hear your insights so give them that opportunity. Good work. Peace!

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