September 28, 2024

21 thoughts on “VIDEO: Timelapse of Aquaponics Impatiens

  1. awesome. do you still have fish? I saw you had some for a meal. And its catfish in the pond right? Do you have a previous video where you built the pond you can reference? I heard of people growing tilapia, but I am allergic to them – but would love something like you have.

  2. Very nice Lea! The time lapse technique was a great way to show the growth over the weeks. I noticed that on some videos you were not sure which week it was, so either you are getting as old as I am, or I see another spreadsheet in your future 😉 Honestly, I do not know how you made time for this video at all with the schedule you folks keep, but thanks for sharing, it was really great to see!

  3. Wow those are huge! My impatiens really seem to struggle, of coarse our growing season is much shorter up here, and they are such a delicate plant…I broke quite a few transplanting them outside from inside, once they took they're doing ok though.

  4. u such a role model, I want to try impatiens too in my pond filter, but I have some questions:
    1. When u put impatiens in that filter, where the impatiens grew before ? if the plant grow in soil, is it easy to just change it to water and hydroton only ? cos based on my experiences, there are some plants that can't adapting well if get a sudden change from dirt to water ( aquaponic)
    2. how much direct sunlight that your impatiens get everday ?

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