In this video,. I take another bed that has its summer crop completed and use the technique of lasagna gardening to reclaim its potential and plant a late summer crop of Pac Choi for harvest before the fall crop goes in. Learn how to take your raised veggie bed, mid-summer, and reclaim it to working order where it can STILL grow an amazing crop before fall comes, with very little time and effort!
Mid Summer Bed Redo #1:
Lasagna Gardening:
No-Till Farming:
Always great video's! Thanks
So glad you're back, your videos are always great lessons… Now I need to find Alfalfa meal LOL.
Don't you worry about the old, non-decomposed mulch below will lock up some nutrients as it rots? I've never planted immediately on a bed like that – I always waited for the lasagna to age (usually over winter)
The original raised bed vs all other options video!:
Bok Cho #6 on your menu, #1 in your heart.