September 28, 2024

23 thoughts on “VIDEO: A Pleasant Surprise

  1. Hey Adam, more of these videos please – I love this kind of stuff.
    Absolute natural beauty.
    It's great having little random 'filler' videos – perfect when you're getting ready for work in the morning.
    Cheers ………. Kevin

  2. Oh wow, seriously my reaction was a gasp! Haha…I love poppy fields, and yes that was a Skylark singing his heart out, probably trying to draw you away from where his nest is. I'm always careful when walking in a place where the skylark is right nearby, don't want to step on their eggs, but have never seen a nest yet! I have always wanted to get wild poppies growing around here, can you collect some seeds for me when they're done?

  3. Always breathtaking to see a host of poppies in a field. On a serious note and what first comes to mind when I see a field of poppies is:- as a child, I asked a first World War veteran why a poppy? and he explained in a lull of activity in June the ground in front was a sea of grey mud and sticking out of the mud would be a mass of self-seeded poppies. Take care Mike

  4. Stunning, thank you for allowing us to share that beautiful experience with you, God's creations never cease to amaze me, be safe and God bless you 🙂

  5. If you've enjoyed this video please hit the SUBSCRIBE BUTTON as it's free and costs you nothing. Also please press the BELL ICON to be notified when each new video is uploaded. Welcome to both old an new subscribers…. Thank you for watching and taking the time to comment – Cheers Adam (Allotment Grow How)

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