September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Living the Self-Sufficiency Dream on a Tiny Homestead | Organic & Permaculture Abundance

When people wonder what can be done on an acre or less, Liz Zorab from Byther Farm has created a perfect working example to prove how much food can be produced on a small homestead. She is also a perfect working example of what ‘Living the Dream’ is – I mean imagine not buying veg from a supermarket for over two and a half years! Society tells us that we need vast swathes of land to grow food to feed people, however, imagine a world where every family had even just a quarter of an acre to produce a substantial percentage of their food. I hope from this video you feel inspired by what is possible, and this isn’t even close to maximum production for the land area. It’s a myth that you need a lot of land to become self-sufficient, even for eggs and meat. Unbelievable

Check out Liz’s fantastic channel:
And Liz’s Instagram:
Self sufficient uk living

Instagram: @huws_nursery

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HuwsNursery is a channel which dedicates itself to teaching you how to grow an abundance of food at your home. Videos are uploaded every week and cover a vast range of subjects including; soil health, sowing, transplanting, weeding, organic tips, permaculture, pest control, harvesting and low maintenance growing to name a few.

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With thanks to the support of my top tier patreons; William Shidal, Ben Porcher, Namaste Foundation, Valeria Letelier and Mike Moore

24 thoughts on “VIDEO: Living the Self-Sufficiency Dream on a Tiny Homestead | Organic & Permaculture Abundance

  1. Getting started is the hardest part. I manage to get a little more in each year but it's slow going. It's also pretty experimental as I still don't really know what I'm doing! Such a beautiful way to live!

  2. What do you do when having only a small garden? I would love to have a garden the size that is shown here but it does not help the majority of people living in much, much smaller properties becoming self surfficient. I get the impressions the lady interviewed does not understand how the majority of people live in the UK.

  3. It's really inspiring to see what Liz has achieved.I started out by leaving the rat race to buy 14 acres in a stunning area, and turn it into a dream. From a blank, rank pasture canvas I now have woodland, fruit trees and a veg patch with polytunnel.

    It can be crushing work though, and when late frosts kill sowings and transplants, pests destroy your work or after several years something isn't thriving anymore, it's really soul-crushing. Sometimes I just can't be bothered to go into the potting shed anymore.

    I know when people visit, they love the place. But when you've put your blood and years into something, you can't see it as a newcomer can and that's not something I'd ever expected. I'll watch Liz's videos and hopefully get my mojo back.

  4. It's great to watch this. I love my job and don't want to give it up, but working remotely has really opened up the possibilities of moving to a more rural area. I now live in a place between the countryside and the city and already it makes such a difference to have a bit more green around me than in the city.

  5. Good to hear, especially that you solved being ill by changing.How Do think you could have managed alone, without your husband,children and friends? I am on my own with childhood developmental trauma, sought help for 40 years abyt mostly got abused and harmed into more illness instead. I need to live alone outside of today's style of civilization, but can't really manage all alone anymore. they took my home and money, honour and rights, which has shattered the innermost trust in life and people.The will to live, the lust to live, the self-confidence and hope.
    I think one has to be in a warmer climate like you (England?) rather than the norwegian mountains with long dark, cold winters and cool summers.
    Have you recovered health-wise? With or without treatment? Any psycho-theraapy?

  6. Loved watching this!! The chemicals etc that's on our food is unbelieveable and has to be half the reason people are so sick. I've always wanted a proper garden but due to chronic pain I just wasn't able but I'm 100% positive I will have a proper functioning garden next year and if I can grow even 50%-70% of the veg I'll be ecstatic. I honestly can't wait and binge watching all these videos

  7. You can tell when something is going right. Liz has a calmness that is infectious, much like Charles Dowding and Jim Koveleski. She’s definitely discovered her passion! Thanks Liz for sharing your journey and thanks Huw for introducing me to this inspiring woman.

  8. Guys, THIS is what we need to do in our 30s, 40, 50, doesn't matter! Not to run to get our next shitty mortgage in an urban dormitory! We must BUY LAND BEFORE IT'S ALL BOUGHT UP by by CORPORATIONS< MILLIONAIRES. We need to pull our money together with friends/ family, start small, and BUY LAND BACK, TAKE BACK CONTROL. WHOEVER OWNS THE LAND OWNS THE COUNTRY!!! don't forget that. And we can live HEALTHIER, HAPPIER LIVES, rip off the links to the Grid, Pharma, Banks and be SELF -SUFFICIENT, FREE and STRONG. This is my goal!!! And to spread the message : )

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