September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Potting Pepper Plants Escamillo, Cubanelle, Carmen, and Nassau May 4, 2020

Today we transplanted our peppers into larger containers. We started these peppers from seed in flats and now they need a little more room.

9 thoughts on “VIDEO: Potting Pepper Plants Escamillo, Cubanelle, Carmen, and Nassau May 4, 2020

  1. Plants are looking great. Great catch on the stocks. I bought some delta but it has since fallen further. Time to invest some more. Everything looks so good in your yard.

  2. I enjoyed seeing the cat in the window taking his bath and watching you! Your patio looks like a nursery! You all never fail to have a lot of work to do, everything is looking good!!!

  3. Things are looking great! Cubanelles were the first peppers to ever catch my imagination, I should try them again one of these years! Your garden looks lovely in the bright sunshine!


  4. Your back patio sure is looking good!! Too bad the one peppers didn't come up though!!
    Had a hail storm take out most of my garden but we'll replant!!
    Have a good'nnn

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