January 10, 2025


You probably haven’t heard of these before!


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My Secret RARE Fruit Tree, PERSIMMONS!!

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: My Hidden RARE Fruit HONEYBERRIES, HASKAP BERRY!

  1. These are easy to propagate. Cut a stem and place in the ground. Simple. But they take a few years to grow fruit. I think the taste is like a cross between a raspberry and blueberry.

  2. I picked up 2 tundra at Home Depot last year. Have your honey berries suckered? Because they’re like suckered hazelnuts. Several branches coming up in the pot.

  3. It's so great that you describe the taste, because I've never tried them, but planted two plants last spring and this spring they have flowers. But nobody grows them in my location so I have no idea what kind of berries I planted, haha.

  4. James, I hope you get this, I know this video is a year old. I just bought three honeyberry bushes, all three boreal, though different one, Beast, Beauty, and Blizzard. I need to get a couple that are not boreal, correct? They are small and won't produce berries this year anyway. I am thinking of getting a couple that are bigger this fall. If I need too.

  5. My husband planted 3 years ago..they dint produce but a few, ..I'm sure it's because they they are neglected. Grass all round them…no mulch..gonna dig them up and do it right.
    This year I plan on fixing that.
    I'm disabled, but still work part time, and it wipes me out.
    But due to this virus , I'm not working, I'm on meds that make me high risk..so I've got energy to do more this years..I'm excited to give them love.

  6. Honeyberrier or also known as haskap taste amazing! I always thought I didn't like em till this year I tasted them when they were very ripe, they taste sweet with a little hint of bitter, just an amazing flavor. now I'm planting some asap.

  7. I was disappointed with this bush, sauer fruits even ripe very early and the bush is kind of short life, much better for fruit is I thing another fruity piece Amelanchier lamarckii, brings not only fruit but flowers early spring and beautiful red coloured leafs in autumn

  8. if it helps my honey berries do produce a light number of suckers close to the main plant. i wouldn't call them suckering though. also you can bend down a branch to the ground and it will start to grow roots.

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