July 2, 2024

VIDEO: IN FOCUS: TARPS – How and why we use them.

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Theme music composed by Curtis Stone and performed by Dylan Ranney.

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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: IN FOCUS: TARPS – How and why we use them.

  1. Hi Curtis,
    My neighbors think I am crazy, because I have been using the same methods you described in this video, but I have been using what I have available, which are just regular tarps. To me is common sense to use tarps, so I don't have to spend time weeding later on. Anyway, I have growing more produce this year, and I was wondering the type of silage tarps you use. I just need some guidance of the type of silage tarps that are suitable for organic farming. I have searched around but there are hundreds of choices. Any advice on thickness? I do not need a brand name, but more like a similar product of what you are using in the video.
    Thanks for your time, and thanks for all the help and inspiration. Because of you I decided to start farming full time, by myself. I thought, that if I never do it, I will always regret it.

  2. Do you use  soaker hoses or some sort of irrigation under the tarps after you have planted ? We have crabgrass all in our yard . We are thinking about trying this .  THANKS

  3. hello Urban Farmer… thanks for all your videos. haven't seen them all just yet but intend to. i totally get the principles of tarpaulin use.i have 2 qnz…1. doesn't it deteriorate?…i mean its not a UV protected material is it? 2. where i can i find a tarp that large and 'cheap'

  4. I have a new bed full of weeds. I broadforked entire area and covered with silage tarp. Weed are dying and new weeds are germinating, my question is….Should I remove tarp and just add compost to the top of the beds now and recover until Spring? OR do I have to remove all of the dead weed material before composting and re-tarping until Spring?

  5. Can you get the same effects with blue tarps? The soil in the area I plan to garden was full of clay once I dug down a foot. I opted to start a compost pile there for a month. I then put down some old dry wood and grass clippings, waited 2 weeks and covered with fresh garden soil. I added lime, snail and slug killer (saw quite a few while digging) and firmly secured a BLUE tarp. Am I helping or harming my garden?

  6. How/where do you store your tarps? Being an inner city urban farm we are always tight on storage space and have issues with pests burrowing under them if we leave them on the ground folded or rolled. Always looking for a better solution.

  7. Searching for tarps, I realized I don't know what mil I should be looking for. What mil plastic do you use? Sorry if I overlooked it somewhere. Also, I've found 3 acres that's currently in Alfalfa hay. i know it's got a root system that insane, sometimes reaching as deep as 10 meters. Do you know id this method would work? Or should I look elsewhere for property? I'd also like you as my consultant on this project.

  8. I'm about to buy silage tarp for a small garden, but here, i only found cal. 90. the other option is going for landscape fabric. Does any one knows if I can use landscape fabric for bed preparation the same way Curtis use it for killing weeds?

  9. Code enforcement told me i am not allowed to use tarps in my front yard. No further explanation wad given. Google is not help. Is this legal for them to do?
    It was 16 feet off of a street into my yard. No reason why i am in violation.

  10. If I’m prepping ground for the first time and I just till in the grass, should I add compost, then cover with black plastic? If so, how long do I need to wait before uncovering. You mentioned 3 weeks, would this be sufficient for my scenario

  11. Tarps will also attract insects that help the soil – or eat your next plants lol. Like lifting up a stone you will find an entire ecosystem of beetles, worms and slugs omg the birds must love you! I am going to try this to create a small cured bed for my lupins.

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