September 28, 2024

VIDEO: How to Prevent Blackfly from Destroying Broad Bean Plants

Today we look at the best way of preventing blackfly from destroying your broad bean crops and also how to make the very most out of this prevention method.

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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Prevent Blackfly from Destroying Broad Bean Plants

  1. I had a bad blackfly problem, but luckily they attacked a bush I didn't want. They were all over the new growth where I had cut back the branches. I took a hose to them and that seemed to do the trick.

  2. Give us a close-up of your grapes next time. Looked like they were in fruit. You can make stuffed vine leaves with the leaves, too. Did I see old CD disks hanging up in your garden? Was the reflection to drive the birds away from the berries, or something? Like a scarecrow? Some people hang up those silver bags from inside cardboard wine casks to scare birds away in their fruit trees. ;D

  3. Are black flies also known as aphids? If yes, I use a dishsoap recipe or straight 70% isopropol alcohol to get rid of them without pruning. Would you know if this no longer recommended?

  4. Has anyone tried Garlic spray successfully. Chop and boil a few cloves ,let it cool, strain, add to spray bottle, apply. I'm just about to give it a go. Will report back if it works.

  5. This was no bloody use at all . So how do you stop them I have them from top to bottom on every dam plant they killed everything last year and they are doing it again I have tried everything looked at every video done everything I found and still they kill everything .

  6. Thanks for the tip Huw , i've been growing fave beans for several yrs now. I'm on Long Is., NY and have the same black fly problem, you described. I'll be take your advice this yr. I actually just planted my broad/fava bean yesterday. Thanks again…happy gardening..! Kevin

  7. I lost my crop to black fly last year. My plants are now in flower so taking the tops off the plants tomorrow morning! Thanks for the info!

  8. Hi, this is great. I have 2 questions. 1. So you cut the tips even if there are currently no black flies? 2. The cutting the healthy tips does not damage the growth of the plant in anyway? How does the plant grow if you are constantly cutting off the tips? Thank you!

  9. Hi Huw. I've started my first garden following your book and I love it. I've got lots of blackflies and ants on my broad beans. I've tried to cut the top of the crops but the blackflies are lower on the crops too, especially on the young beans. What should I do? Remove all the affected beans? Thanks for your help.

  10. I don't like chopping off the heads of the broad beans plants because this reduces plant vigour. Also I don't think it is so effective as the aphids just move to lower locations where there are more tips and flower heads available.

    I used to have the same problem. But not anymore.

    (1) Control the ants which protect and farm the aphids.

    (2) For a heavy infestation. Spray with 2% dishwashing liquid in water. This dehydrates the aphids. Wash it off the plants after 24 hours.

    (3) For light infestations, just spray the plants with high powered but fine water spray using a hose.

    (4) Usually, predators such as ladybirds and their larvae will pick off the rest.

    There is another very effective possibility, if you don't care about being 100% "organic/green".

    There is a commercial aphicide available which ONLY affects aphids and whiteflies. It has no effect on other insects or spiders etc. It works by paralysing the mouthparts of aphids. So essentially they starve and fall off the plant within 2 days. Unfortunately, it is hard to find in garden centres. It is called Flonicamid. There's plenty of literature on the internet about it. It is safe.

    By the way, I am a retired agricultural scientist and now a full time gardener.

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