September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Removing the Hulls from Sunflower Shoots

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Curtis Stone runs a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own back yard or someone else’s.
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Removing the Hulls from Sunflower Shoots

  1. Hello
    I have been watching almost all your videos and Iā€™m loving it and I really want to learn it with you guys as an intern if possible. Iā€™m living in africa and I wanna be a pionnier of urban farming in my city

  2. You are absolutely amazing. never thought that i can do something like this, but by mistake i saw your video and i started to watch it. i will go tonight to buy seeds to make my own micro greens. Keep doing the amazing job that you are doing!!! Thank you a a lot!!!!

  3. This is great info for those who have already planned and rotated this time of year. For the rest of us preparing for the year could you do something on your approach to soil testing Ph Nitrogen etc..?

  4. Hi I am from Quail Tracks Micro Farm in North East WA
    For months now I have been watching 100ā€™s hours of You tube Micro greens videos and learned a lot from all the hard work people have been kind enough to share. I have recently found an easy solution to the Sunflower hull removal problem. It works great for me and I would encourage you to share it on your videos, after testing it for yourself, please mention I shared it with you. I cannot do the videoā€™s myself but really enjoy yours.

    Sunflower Hull removal
    When the Cotyledons come out and still have the hull stuck to them, move the tray to Bright intense light, being careful not to burn or wilt the plants. The cotyledons leaves want that light and will by themselves kick the hulls off within 24 to 48 hours. When most of the hulls are gone move the plants to dimmer light to get the growth you want.

    Small hull removal
    Everyone I have seen ā€œPetsā€ the tray of greens to get the hulls off, to bad because the greens were pristine before the hand was put on them. Better idea ā€“ wear disposable plastic gloves when petting to remove hulls that way the greens stay clean and eatable right from the tray.

    Another idea I like better and use for my greens is using a ā€œbasting brushā€ to paint, tickle, or jiggle the hulls off. The old basting brushes were harsh and bristley had firm bristles but the new ones at Dollar Store or Wallmart have soft brush parts. They are only $1.00 to $4.00 and worth it. I keep it by the trays and take 5 seconds to tickle the plants when I think of it. They look like colorful small paint brushes.
    Keep up the good work, QTMF Owner and wanna-be farmer

  5. Slightly off-topic, "early" if you will, but I'm having difficulty getting the same harvest weight as yours, yet I'm further south and have longer days. (Currently 11 hours of sunlight!) So I was wondering about seeding density. I'm trying some of the seed weights you've mentioned, but thought it might be better to see what correct density would look like. Seeding onto a tray full of paper towels might be helpful for mini seeds (mustards & brassicas), small seeds (radish), and large seeds (peas and sunflowers). Thanks for such awesomeness!

  6. One of our big issues is that due to local food handling laws, we are not allowed to wash our microgreens. Washing them reclassifies them as a high risk food and requires refrigeration at all times including at the Farmers Market, and it requires a licensed and inspected processing facility. We are allowed a single cut to harvest then just have to label them as requiring washing before consumption. We have resorted to a hand sort on lower volumes as well as a warning on our label to not consume the remaining hulls.

  7. Any tips for beet hull removal? Iā€™m ready to give up on the variety. They donā€™t get tall enough for a clean cut and the hulls pose a real danger to my buyersā€™ teeth

  8. Hi Curtis I have one very ennoying problem with my sunflower shoots. They donā€™t rise up at same pace. Iā€™ve tried two different kind from different companies so far and one of the company assured me that they had good quality seeds. About half of the seeds rise up and when comes the time to harvest I lose enormous time cutting only the one grown at full size while leaving the smaller ones in place for a second and third harvest. Is this normal? I stack my trays, I let them germinate for 3 to 4 days, I soak the seeds for about 8 hours. I canā€™t figure out what the problem is. Do you have any tips on that? Thanks! Marie-lou

  9. I really hate removing the seed shell/hull from microgreens, I grow water spinach/kangkung, the shells take me 30 minutes to remove all, and that's just one tray 32×25 cm , 50 gram seeds, around 180grams of microgreens. I think I'll add AB mix to let it grow a bit more and let them pop it out themselves

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