September 28, 2024

VIDEO: A Crackling Christmas Tree

This first video of 2019 needs to be watched in 4K to fully appreciate how average it is. If you haven’t got 4K then it’ll be like watching it through some old cola bottles. Trees and vegetables star in this video. Get your inner rave on and enjoy .

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Namaste (I’ve gone all spiritual, obviously)

22 thoughts on “VIDEO: A Crackling Christmas Tree

  1. Happy New Year Adam. My answer on a postcard is I tink pigeons are eating your Nero Kale. Usually, sow Gladiator but I obtained Student with a gardening magazine did ok taste was very good. Grandkids remarked on the taste which are the best recommendations when it comes to veg. Take care Mike

  2. Laugh? I cackled my way through your sacrificial Christmas tree fire scene! Dab hand with the flint 'n' steel you are ; ) Seriously, how much paraffin did you use there? I could smell that all the way down here. Nice editing.
    PBA, that is a great Red Cabbage! Its official, Adam's veg are no secret; small…. but perfectly formed ; ) ; ) Happy New Year both!

  3. That's what you call 2018 gone up in smoke! LMBO.. Nothing wrong with those carrots. I take it the rats love parsnips! Where is a cat when ya need one! Cabbage tried to hold its own! Love your new camera tripod. She sounded nice and tried not to laugh at ya. Ok we laughed along with her! Rock on 2019!!

  4. Happy New Year! I love the cabbage joke. As for your parsnips, if you had a few touches of frost even those 2 will make a great meal, very sweet. Roast them with some Maple syrup and you will love them. PS You can throw the carrots in with the parsnips. Rogue pumpkins are notorious for appearing when one least expects them. LOL Stay safe.

  5. Hi mate, firstly Happy New Year to you and PBA. Wow that Christmas tree burning was spectacular. The sap from conifers is quite flammable! Good that you’re getting a few Carrots and Parsnips. I’d definitely say that looked like pigeons eating your kale. Thanks for all your videos in 2018 and here’s to a great 2019. Take care. Nick

  6. Good morning Adam. Looks like everyone has said every thing already. Welcome to 2019. I wish I had the help of a camera lady. It wouldn't help make my videos better but I would have something pleasing to look at while talking to the camera. Have a great day. Best wishes Bob.

  7. Old Christmas tree, old Christmas tree,
    You let Adam burn your beauty.
    Old Christmas tree, old Christmas tree,
    You let Adam burn your beauty.
    Your branches burned, the fires glow.
    And ever gold because no winter's snow.
    Old Christmas tree, old Christmas tree,
    You let Adam burn your beauty.

  8. Sexy new hair cut, what soup came with that?? Wonderful flint and steel skills, you have a knack for that, lol!! So did the producer think that your rat gnawed root was more enthralling than a spud reveal?? Clearly some type of British bird in the background, not being an ornithophile, I'd guess a tit of some variety. Nice to see the beds ready for another year my friend, lets have a fantastic 2019!! All the best to you both:))

  9. Happy New Year Adam, well did the hair cut mate!!! (Thanks mate, getting nagged now I need mine cut!!! ) well glad 2018 is over and now bring on 2019. Planning first visit to plot tomorrow mate and get stuck in. Parsnips and carrots like yours but hey ho. Well enjoyed video as usual and it always makes me want to get stuck in. Think you need a scarecrow mate, well pigeon one!!!! Mine were decimated last year!!! Keep up the good work and let's get started. By the way what a great way of saying goodbye to the old year, I've burnt me tree but never thought of old bills as well. All the best, Roger.

  10. I'm sorry Adam, but we all kept quiet throughout those years when you were going through your 'ponytail stage' – we put that down to youthful abandon. As your videos 'matured', so did your hairstyle, you brought us all to a happy place, you made us feel proud again, proud to strut our stuff across the world, proud to stand up for what we felt was right and just, proud to know that the Empire still conquers all !!.
    However, watching this video – I had to cover my son's eyes, he was crying too much. 'Daddy, are fringes back in fashion ?' – 'no my child, fringes were never ever in fashion'. 'That abomination of a hairstyle should have been on the funeral pyre before God's tree of Christmas.
    Answer me this – How can you look at yourself in the mirror ? Honestly ?
    At least your new 'apprentice knows how to film a decent plot update.
    You're sincerely – a disgusted Tory-voter from Turnbridge Wells.

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