March 7, 2025

VIDEO: Fruit Fly Stinging Cucumber in garden & Tomato Damage

Fruit fly is a major pest in Queensland Australia this video shows footage of a fruit fly stinging a cucumber and the damage the live maggot does to a black Russian tomato.

For an indepth article about the fruit fly and how to organically control this pest please visit our blog:

Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”

15 thoughts on “VIDEO: Fruit Fly Stinging Cucumber in garden & Tomato Damage

  1. I've converted to cherry tomatoes for exactly that reason.  Damn fruit flies.  I didn't realise they'd do the cucumbers too.  If I grow the bigger capsicums, they'll have a go at them. 

  2. Hey mark. Im in SEQ as well. I brought a native bee hive from a guy at eatons hill. When i was tbere we talked about the fruit fly. He was saying that Wild May was the stuff he used and has not had any flys for 12 +yrs. Its a bit hard to find but produce stores sometimes have. What suburb are you at. I got mine from the produce store at Rothwell. Have a search round for it. If you cant get any. I might be able grab some and meet up with you some where.
    Garden on bro

  3. I meant to tell you on your other video that I have the same type of fruit fly here. It seemed to concentrate mostly on my Mangos. Between the rats eating them, the horrible aphids and the fruit fly, I couldn't get but one out of the sixty fruits that tree bore. I ended up cutting the tree down. I tried wrapping them with crop cover material but it didn't stay up properly. I big net like the type you used would have done the trick.

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