September 20, 2024

VIDEO: This TIP will save you TIME!

By planning ahead and knowing a few of the right tips, you can get to your goal quicker and more efficiently.




My Secret RARE Fruit Tree, PERSIMMONS!!


28 thoughts on “VIDEO: This TIP will save you TIME!

  1. We use plastic storage totes to move our wood chips. We place the totes at the bottom of the pile at an angle and drag the chips in with the pitch fork. We then load a few tubs into our wagon or the back of our truck. It has really saved us a lot of time and back trouble. Love what you are doing James!

  2. I use cardboard boxes flattened and overlapped to cover or brown packing paper. I find my chickens and dogs tear up the paper really quickly so I need a sturdy block against the persistent weeds. Great to see how you are starting the new area. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Moving chips with a wheelbarrow is counterproductive. Chips are light, so you're restricted by space, rather than weight. You wear yourself out making so many trips, and pushing the weight of the wheelbarrow itself each trip.

    I use an old 8' x 16' blue tarp from Harbor Freight. I lay the tarp with the 16' length facing the direction I'm going to travel and I shovel 5-6 wheelbarrow loads on the back half of the tarp. Then I grab the corners of the tarp behind my back and drag it behind me. Works well uphill, downhill, over dirt and small rocks, but on grass you can cruise. With the tarp, you eliminate the weight of the wheelbarrow and you're not restricted by space, so you save a lot time and extra work.

    I'm only 5'-8" tall, have a very bad knee, and I'm much older than James. James, due to size and age, could easily pull even more in one trip. This works well for moving anything that is restricted by space rather than weight in a wheelbarrow. Straw bales, fire wood, yard tools, flats of starter plants, etc. An old plastic toboggan works great for smaller loads. Once you eliminate the weight of the wheelbarrow and increase your space, you can carry a lot and eliminate your trips.

  4. Love the channel, fairly new subscriber! Question, just got a few loads of woodchips recently, but being winter they didnt have any leaves or greens on them, just wood basically, is it ok to start laying down or do i need a mix of wood/leaves for a good C:N ratio? Really want to get started now though after watching your vids.

  5. Yessah!! Good word my man! This message is bringing a PICTURE to put peoples minds where it ought to go. We need to go back, back to the way God originally designed it; back to Eden. Ive been encouraged and inspired by your goals, and your passion for what you are doing. Keep being an example. BUT MAN… Give God all the Glory!

  6. Your excitement is contagious. I love when they drop off the wood chips too! The smell is amazing. I have a couple acres and am having a tree service drop all the time. My Dh still can't see my vision of all that property turned into a food forest. I want to try some wine cap mushrooms as more gets established. Now I want to go out and move some wood chips around. 😉

  7. I wanted too know where too get the contractors paper I have 15 acre farm I just purchased and bought 100 chickens and I’m limited as in I almost lost my farm cause I had too remove so much trash it was very costly but in 1 year 4 mos I’m ready too start feeding my land

  8. Such a cute game of fetch with Tuck! Thank you for your motivation James. Getting ready to get woodchips down here in zone 5. Question, do you compost with kitchen scraps and if so do you have a video on it? Your food forest is beautiful – God is good!

  9. What's a good substitute for contractor's paper?
    So if land is completely dry/barren without any grass we could directly put the chips?
    I read somewhere that putting a layer of compost before putting down the paper helps kill the grass faster. Does that really work?

  10. In the midwest, those shovels are usually referred to as grain scoops. They can be bought at almost any farm supply store pretty cheap. They also work great for shoveling snow too.

  11. Hello James!, I just retired and would like to see your food forest. I am in Mass now but I will be in NJ soon to work in my small garden in Toms River. Best, Carlos.

  12. You said people give you lots of tips on how to load the wheelbarrow, but no mention on emptying it. Don't shake it to get the material out, tip it forward so it can stand on its own the grab the cross member that runs between the rear support legs and give it a slight jerk up and back.

  13. I love the videos. Every time I watch, I wish my grandpa could watch them with me. He was my original OG gardener.

    I know your not suppose to mix the wood chips and soil, but if you wanted a cheap way to raise the ground level, could you put a 24 inch thick layer of wood chips, cover with 12 inches of compost, and than a final cover with wood chips maybe 6 to 12 inches deep ? I can let it sit for a year and not touch it if needed.

    Thank you again for the awesome videos.

  14. Great videos, except I have now had 70 yards of chips delivered so far and have to move them 100+ feet. I started out in June with the idea of no-till, lasagna technique, then saw your videos about using the wood chips. I almost bought a pitch fork, until I spotted a large 18-24" dia/height plastic pot. I put it up against the pile and sweep the chips in with my arms. No doubt I look like an idiot doing this on my front lawn, but two sweeps the pot is full and three pots and the wheelbarrow is full in less than a minute.

  15. I subbed and have been watching a lot of your videos and will continue to cuz I’m learning a lot….but this is the first one I clicced on where you weren’t as hype in the intro lol …maybe the cold weather…keep it up bro your channel is awesome

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