September 20, 2024

VIDEO: Spacing Guide for High Density Planting & Maximum Productivity

Everyone thinks it is a secret closely guarded by gardeners around the world. How are their gardens so lush, bountiful, and productive? The secret isn’t a secret, so that is why I am sharing it with you so you can have a successful and productive garden too!
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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Spacing Guide for High Density Planting & Maximum Productivity

  1. I'm learning so much, thank you! This is my second year with raised beds and I have not been maximizing, and thinking I really don't have much space, but I have just been wasting it.

  2. Thank you for explaining that so clearly! Ive often wondered why the seed packets are so conservative. I thought it had to do with the roots stealing nutrition from each other.

  3. That's not quite what on center means. It means the middle of the hole to the middle of the next hole. 12 inches on center doesn't mean 6 inches on each side, it means two holes, and measured from the middle of each of them there would be 12 inches in between them.

  4. So am I ok spacing my cucumber plants (Im using three 16foot cattle panels arched over the bed, that is the length of the width of the 3panels. ( About 16-18 feet long beds with the panels arched over them) so they have panel to grow up on) 6inches a part? I accidently left 4 seed packets out where the rain got to them for 3days. All the seeds germinated and sprouted as if they were in the ground and HAPPY lol. But Im over here trying to plant the most in the least space after 2days of them lying out in just water, because I couldn't get to the store to grab more dirt panels etc… So lastnight I planted over a 100 in two garden beds and 16 pots/plastic containers (4-12each) .

  5. The "diameter vs radius" explanation doesn't make sense tbh. If a plant has a diameter of 8 inches, it'll need 4 inches on each side. But that doesn't mean you need to space them 4 inches apart because the plant from the other row will still need 4 inches too, so 4+4 = 8 inches.

    I think the seed packets just you to have empty space between rows for some reason. Like why on Earth does my French Breakfast Radish packet say to space them in rows 12-18 inches apart? It does say to space them 1-2 inches apart within a row, but why can't you space the rows 1-2 inches apart as well? Even if you want your radish leaves to have enough room to flop onto the ground (not sure what for) rather than leave up against each other, you'd only need about 8 inch spacing between rows. Really, you should just space them 1-2 inches apart across the whole bed. 12-18 inches is more like the gap between beds… (maybe 30-36 inches if you want to be really comfortable).

    So for some reason, the seed packets don't want the plants to support/lean against each other, and even want some bare soil between them?

  6. I live on the east of MI. This idea makes so much sense. I'm doing beets, kale, pole beans, chards, carrots, and more in my backyard garden with this idea. I'm sure we will get so much more this year. Will update later. Thank you for sharing the idea. So glad we can grow more and give what we can't eat to people in our community. Keep up the good channel and thank you!

  7. Wtf why the seed package is lying dude? Onions 2 feets? What are they .. tomatoes? Onions of course is well know that you don't need such spacing, you can even do less than 4 inches.
    High intensity? It's just normal intensity xD

  8. Thank you for this video. I always felt weird planting high density because it didn’t look like my friends gardens. Glad to know i’m not the only one using this method

  9. I dont know what kind of cabbage you grow but the ones I grow get around 3 or 4 feet from leaf tip to leaf tip. Theres no way I could be successful planting my cabbage that close. I actually planted some today and I tightened them up a little to see what happens, staggered them so maybe it'll work but I have my doubts.

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