In this episode we will be talking how to grow artichokes. Artichokes
can be tricky, but with the help of this growing guide you can have
success even as a beginner! This is truly the most comprehensive
growing guide on Artichokes in all of youtube, so I hope you enjoy, and
I hope you learn something new.
What we discuss: How to fertilize artichokes, how long do artichokes
take to flower, how much water do artichokes need, how big do they get,
and how much space do I need to give them, how many artichokes form on
a single plant, what pH is ideal for growing artichokes, how much
sunlight is required for growing them, are they perennial or annual,
and will they survive winter conditions in cold climates.
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Ive been trying to sprout the purple sicilian variety and green globe in a napkin taped to my window. Everything is germinating except these artichokes. I gave up and bought 1 green globe plant from a local nursery but they were out of the purple. Any ideas why is it so hard to sprout from seed?!
Thanks for your guide. Could you pls let us know when can we harvest artichokes? I always harvest them either too old or too young… Thanks
You didn't say anything about how to grow them from seed?
Start to finish: wouldn't that mean from seed?
To much lecture so boring
This is old, but still good. I have grown Green Globe from seed and flowered the first year. The key is to give that young start a cold shock before transplanting. On the other hand you could plant in the early fall. I have had the misfortune of tasting an over plant ripened blossom. It is less tender and the creamy texture turned grainy and had a strong sunflower sprout taste. It obviously had a more mature choke with firm bristles. On my plant I harvest them as they grow. The first are the biggest followed by smaller ones. Although in my experience the petals are often not worth the effort because there has been so little tasty bits. I also don't mess around with soil pH, because tomato's and other plants grow just fine.
This discouraged me from growing in northern Michigan. Bummer
Thank you for this video. I just grew my 1st artichoke plant and it is beautiful
Great information
Great information. From what you say, I guess they would not do well in a tropical rainforest.?
I just stumbled onto this oldie but goodie! I have tried for several years to grow these. It gets -40° where I live, so I keep trying to bring them back in for the winter but the aphids kill them every time, & I won't use chemicals, besides neem, which wasn't good enough. With what you have taught me I will try again. I will plant them on the South wall of my house to give more heat and try tarping and mulching in the fall, as well as feeding twice a year as opposed to once. I'll let you know how it goes!
Wow this was an amazing video thank you…I have 9 plants I grew from seed and no knowledge on what to do….Thank you so much…so informative …..
Hey do you know how to grow artichokes from seed???
I love the looks of artichoke I have three growing now. They are so beautiful. Mine are majorly thirsty though, idk who is saying they don’t need much water. Mine do! I have. Thirsty bunch lol
I feel like the pH information is wrong. Naturally arid soils are alkaline from salts and carbonates being left behind from high rates of evaporation.
Bought Cynara from nursery planted month on leaves wilting and just found ant eggs it's in full sun been put a shade on it any treatment I can give it and advice please
As we know artichoke flowers don’t grow at the same time. Shall I cut off the central spike when it’s ready or it will stop the plant’s growth? Once I did that and side flowers dry up after that.
I live in Southern California and I grew artichokes for the first time this year and they were absolutely gorgeous and beautiful I must’ve got around 20 artichokes and the ones that I let flower the flower was absolutely gorgeous
Why not used coffee grounds???
I want to plant 2 of them in a 10 gallon black fiber grow bag , they will get all afternoon sun . Can I bring them into cold 40degree temp for Winter , can they be brought out in early spring or late spring for rot issues or stunting them . So can I use low org all around feet with a nitrogen supplement a few times a season seaweed ,.
I want to grow them for interest. In summer with flowers will it reward me can I strip off outer leaves that are old and ragged
We're trying to grow artichokes from seed in a pot, but we get a sprout or two, then it seems to die off.. they get water when the soil dries out. Any thoughts?
I can't wait to plant ARtichokes and see how they go here in SC!
I’ve got 8 artichokes growing but it’s only been like 7-8 months max. My soil is amazing I think.
The leaves are delicious! My favourite thing to eat as a kid in spain. You scrape off the 'meat' of each leaf with your teeth. Don't throw them away
try giving MSG aa a flowerer(monosodium glutamate)..
Scrolled through here and couldn’t find the answer. Roughly how far apart would you recommend planting, and how tall and wide does it get in your experience?
I live in zone 9 what do you recommend
Wow Thanks Luke I a going to try growing artichokes for the first time so this was extremely helpful. Great Video. Cheers Denise Australia