June 9, 2024

VIDEO: Companion Planting, and the use of Trap Crops

Today I take you through the garden and explain the ideology behind some of the companion planting I did, and the use of trap crops to deter unwanted bugs from choice crops. Some of the main trap crops I used were; mustard greens, collard greens, and radishes. I also used onions and garlic to help deter unwanted bugs, as well as flowers and any to help build a balance and diverse ecosystem

19 thoughts on “VIDEO: Companion Planting, and the use of Trap Crops

  1. Never, I companion plant. For example, I put something with a long tap root like radishes or turnips next to something with shallow roots like lettuce. The deep rooted plants like the radish help pull up water from deep and wick it off in areas that the shallow rooted plants can get too. Also, we set up and design everything around holding the most water when it rains.

  2. You have such a beautiful garden! I think I've learned about 4 things just watching a couple of your videos. Just Subscribed, keep up the good vids!

  3. Thank you. That's so awesome, that is exactly what this channel is about helping to inspire people and helping to spread the knowledge. Thanks for letting me know that you learned something also, that kind of appreciation is really awesome of you. I wish more people out there could have an open mind to things and learn from other people rather than competing so much.

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