June 7, 2024

VIDEO: Raw Onion Challenge Are You Up To It? Abbott Inspired…

Here’s my raw onion challenge inspired by Australia’s PM Tony Abbott whose raw onion eating went viral around the world.

Are you up to the challenge? www.selfsufficientme.com

Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”

19 thoughts on “VIDEO: Raw Onion Challenge Are You Up To It? Abbott Inspired…

  1. Are the tassie or ozzie onions any different from others ? I eat raw onions in salads and pretty like the stuff. A whole mouth full is a bit much maybe, will see if I can take it :o)
    Cheers Mark !

  2. Brave man. I won't be taking you up on the challenge and it is a shame because I have no doubt that I could do it because I love raw onions. However, even the smallest amount of a raw onion gives me a migraine…chocolate does the same thing to me.So, my friend, I am going to have to pass. But, I am with you in spirit.

  3. ROFL – you idiot!  
    Mind you, I worked with an old bloke that used to eat them raw.  He peeled it first mate.  
    I think I just peed my pants.  Your facial expressions are priceless. 

  4. Hmm, taking a lead from Tony Abbot, that is very questionable behaviour Mark…….lol. Definitely not a challenge I'll be trying. Did it take long to get the flavour out of your mouth? Have a a good one mate 😀

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