June 8, 2024

VIDEO: VLog #1 End of Self Sufficient Me? Composting Green Manure Home Dad

This is my first VLog whereby I capture my thoughts of the day whilst I’m working on our small acreage doing daily tasks to stay as self-sufficient as possible. Today’s task is composting down “green” Manure for later use on the garden.
Blog: www.selfsufficientme.com
Forum: www.selfsufficientculture.com
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Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”

24 thoughts on “VIDEO: VLog #1 End of Self Sufficient Me? Composting Green Manure Home Dad

  1. Hi everyone, for some reason YouTube keeps drip feeding this video out (or perhaps people are just noticing it as they scroll through my old videos) but I just want to point out that since this video (two years ago now) my online career has indeed improved to a point whereby it is sustainable – without me having to return to the mainstream workforce after 10 years as a home dad. Over the past 24 months, my subscriber count has increased from 10k to 120k so thank you all for helping me grow and realising my dream to make a good fist of an online career. I still have a lot of work to do to grow my channel viewership and improve my content overall but I'm working very hard every day to be the best I can and to provide information that's not only useful/practical but also entertaining and fun to watch. The world is evolving fast and this can be a good thing especially for those parents who want to raise their kids at home and also earn a living from working at home – fast internet and changing workplace norms are real so take advantage of it if you can! It's difficult to live off one income as a family, however, it still can be done if the homemaker grows much of their own food whilst supporting the wage earner to earn the best they can. Sure, if you're crazy like me, you can use modern technology to start your own business from home – just be prepared to work like a dog but if it's something you love it won't matter. Last point, always make time for your spouse and kids (especially your spouse) because that partnership is vital to your family's success no matter what harships come your way. Cheers and thank you 🙂

  2. Just got recommended to me today, four years after you posted it. Glad that you could make a go of it and still have your channel. You're very positive and bring some good vibes.

    You planted the seed and kept watering it, working on your public speaking and editing, and i'm very happy to see that it has worked out. I've been watching you every spring/summer, even if the topic is something i'm familiar with already because your experiences are valuable, even if just for entertainment value. Keep the dad jokes rolling and live your best life.

  3. Mark, you're awesome and the fact that you're putting your heart out there for the world to see your authentic self is proof that you love what you're doing and that you love your family. I pray blessings on you and your family and may your future projects be prosperous!

  4. Wow, just came across this video from 4 years ago. Hadn't come across you at that point. How far things have come. Well done Mark. Love your vids, hope all is going well

  5. Thanks for sharing your feelings. It's nice to get to know you and little about your family. I came across your videos only last year, 2020, probably because I haven't been interested in gardening before and having more time to cruse the internet. It's been great getting to know you and your methods, etc.! I am grateful that you continued your Tube channel from the date of this video. I've learned so much from you! Appreciate your hard work.

  6. I'm so happy for your success! I came across your channel last month when I was looking for vegetables that can survive in the heat of Oklahoma, USA. My favorite gardening quote is from a local blogger who says, "First off, growing anything in Oklahoma is a dare!" For me, your channel is encouragement in gardening and being more self-sufficient. . . but also learning about another country and its climate, vegis, etc. Thanks for doing what you do!

  7. I discovered this channel by chance and have seen a few vids. This one came up now and I thought this was something current until I saw it was four years ago. YouTube kept changing its way of earning money, too and that never helped channels. I'm glad you continued because I certainly get a lot of advice from you.

  8. Hi Mark! I know this is older and you have since become a YouTube icon but I really appreciate your honesty. I wanted to let you know that I have been encouraged to get back out in my garden and yard because of your enthusiasm, honesty and great share of knowledge. I often listen to your videos, of ‘how to’ while I am digging and weeding and doing some of the more tedious things that I still enjoy but are tougher. Glad to see your continued success!

  9. i got scared for a second hahahaha
    happy to see you kept on pushing.
    it's actually inspiring me. i can only hope to be as good as you one day and grow as many things

  10. I am watching this in 2021. It is excellent, as are your newer videos. I'm really glad you persevered. Keep up the good work. For some reason I had never checked out your website. There is a ton of good content there, and I am subscribing to it as well.

  11. I don't suppose you will see this comment since you uploaded this 5 years ago, and I am just watching it. But in that context, I am so encouraged given that here in October 2021, you now have over 1M subscribers. It is a testament to keep going even when you cannot see what will be around the corner. Work hard, believe, and hang in. This is such a great lesson for me now at age 68 dealing with some health issues (that have slowly been getting better) and trying to establish a vegetable garden all at the same time. I will keep going after watching this! Thank you, Mark.

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