September 28, 2024

VIDEO: The Market Gardener with Jean-Martin Fortier Part 13 Market & CSA

Innovative organic farmer Jean-Martin Fortier, author of “The Market Gardener” shares his profitable methods for achieving success growing vegetables on a small plot of land. Learn from the years of experience Jean-Martin and his wife have gone through from the basic beginnings to the advances made over a decade farming their land. Gain the benefits of highly efficient techniques that will jumpstart your small farm/garden operation. The book, “The Market Gardener” elucidates all the important details; startup costs, crop rotations and other vital data needed to emulate Jean-Martin Fortier’s cutting edge business model. He brings a level of professionalism, discipline and hope to aspiring farmers and seasoned growers alike.

5 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Market Gardener with Jean-Martin Fortier Part 13 Market & CSA

  1. Do the costs include the farm loan? seems that how much money you can make is heavily dependent on the size of the mortgage. I'd love to get a true breakdown of farm costs including land.

  2. I wish he would have said that the best way he wishes to expand is have you, the viewers, create a farm similar to this in their town so that everyone can have a neighbourhood farm like this. You can be the expander. He is comfortable, but the best way to get to wholesale, is multiple mini farms everywhere. The wholesale market stores in each neighbourhood could be a mini farm instead of selling what is sold on the same space. Most grocery stores are about 2 acres, so why isn't the store doing rooftop gardening?

  3. Please will you explain what a CSA is? How it works, what do the members pay and get etc.. and how it helped you to start your farm. Love the videos, so inspiring thank you. God bless

  4. Thank you Jean-Martin and Living Web Farms for making these videos. Very informative and helpful I am very grateful. If you will be creating more of these types of free instructional videos I would like to help you create some professional intro/outro templates and titles, just reach out happy as I'm happy to help.

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