September 28, 2024

15 thoughts on “VIDEO: Late Winter Update

  1. You are so lucky to have all that free resource. here i pay 300 a load for mushroom soil and that dose not go very far and wood chips are 50 % dollars a scoop a 100 a pickup load . i do get all the leaves i have time to get ,and coffee grounds, would help if i had a different soil type . i have found that using a mixture of molasses and water helps microbes in the soil a lot . the dark sorghum i can get for 8 $ a gallon , they have a sweat tooth Ha Ha

  2. I like your music choice. I listen to Christian music on the way to and from work every day. Do you have a problem with chickens flying over that low fence? I wanted that fencing, but was concerned with them flying over it.

  3. I really enjoyed this video brother 🙂 love all the new space. that leaf mulch looks like some reall good shit. funny how as soon as you started laying it out the chickens came to investigate and dig with ya. lol. awesome man. hope all is well brother. good to see you on camera man 🙂

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