September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Regrowing Green Onions Experiment – How Small Can You Cut Them?

Green Onion Experiment! We all know that you can regrow Green Onions by cutting the green shoots off (yummy) and then planting the white root ends either in water or in soil. But have we ever looked at just how far down we can cut them and still have the plant regrow?

For many people, their favorite part of the Scallion is the white crunchy bit, either raw or sauteed. So cutting off the green part and continually regrowing the white part is useless for them. In this video, let’s look at 4 different stages and lengths of how far and close we can cut that Green Onion end off and still produce a viable plant afterwards. Should be fun!

Original Green Onion video explaining the basics of growing your own Green Onions from other Green Onions!:

DIY Ultimate Seeding and Container Mixture:

Try regrowing Leeks as well…you’d be surprised at how easy they are!:

If you’re just starting out gardening in 2020, this inexpensive set of tools from Amazon can get you and your veggies up and running this spring! I know there is a fevered and renewed interest in gardening and many of you are seasoned vets. But remember that there’s a whole population out there that hasn’t gardened before. Let’s help them out and encourage as much as possible! Affiliate links below:

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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Regrowing Green Onions Experiment – How Small Can You Cut Them?

  1. I've seen green onions survive and thrive in all manner of horrific conditions. Tiny fragments of root end, awful soils, too much/too little water, and wildly differing amounts of shade and sun.

  2. Hi, Im having a hard time growing green onions from smalls cuttings.. i was actually ery surprised that your 1/4 inch cuttings grew that well and im trying to figure out what im doing wrong beacuse i have very low % of succes.. im putting them in a cup of very little water. making sure the upper part is out of the water and changing the water very often but they still rot..can it be related to temp? its very hot here around 35 c in mid day..CAn you help with some tips? thank you

  3. my store bought ones keep rotting after I plant them in soil. I start them in water to get roots first, but that never seems to matter. I'd love some advice. When I cut them that short they aways sprout in water. The problem is when I move them to soil.

  4. HAH i was just starting an experiment like this earlier this week because i wanted to make a video about it, but here you beat me to the punch!
    that gets a thumbs up from me!

    btw got same results from my green onion cuttings, except i have this little one that is outgrowing all the rest and i dont know why!

  5. I am a new subscriber in Florida (9b) and have been enjoying your highly informative videos. This one was quite entertaining since we've been regrowing our scallion cuttings for many years. Whenever I'm cooking, I set aside the bottoms on a wet paper towel. Later, I place that paper towel with cuttings roots facing downward into a small glass or plastic container leaving the tops free to breathe.. They usually soak up all the water in one day, so I keep a glass of water nearby and wet the towel enough to just cover the roots and a small portion of the white part of the plant. After about three or four days, I take the cuttings, which usually have grown considerably and produced hardy roots, and plug them into empty spaces in my container garden. I stick my finger in the soil to make a space and "screw" the roots into the soil, making certain no roits are uncovered. After that, they take off like a rocket. We have an overabundance of scallions all of the time.

  6. That was a really good experiment , we don't have to sacrifice the white part of the onion anymore . I just started a bunch from seed and right now they're looking so thin it's sad . Oh well I'll have to wait and see . Like grandma always Said have patience .

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