September 28, 2024

VIDEO: How to DECREASE tomato Yields by 75% With This Simple Mistake

Oopsie! Oh well, at least it will make for a good learning experience what not to do!
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23 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to DECREASE tomato Yields by 75% With This Simple Mistake

  1. Should I prune my semi-determinate tomato? I have a “mystery variety” that is clearly determinate (based on the fact that it’s a bush), but now I’m wondering if it’s semi-determinate. It just keeps endlessly putting out suckers. It has gotten so big and giant I can barely manage it. It’s 5 or 6 feet wide and about 5 feet tall. I’m thinking about pruning it just so I can handle it 🙁 but on the other hand if I don’t, I’m wondering if I may get endless yields from it throughout the season as if it were indeterminate. Thoughts? It’s an insane tomato plant!

  2. You need I my girl with u when gardening…shes removed all my tomato labels! I grow 8 of 6 /8 of each type…so I'm fuming as wont know which is which..shes pleased as said it will be a surprise mum!..which is which!! She loves to pull carrots n look if grown..if not she rames Back in the hole…

  3. I wish I would have watched this a few months ago…. everything I have I’ve pruned, and I have a combination of the two. Guess I’ll figure out which ones and stop pruning the determinant

  4. Great video! I wish I would have come across it yesterday before I pruned the heck out of my determinate tomato plants. I guess, you live and you learn. Thanks for sharing such helpful content!!!

  5. I did that because my grandkids took the tags out of the pots so I did not know which was which. It only had 6 blooms on it. Since the season was early and space limited so I put an indeterminate variety in it's place. Somewhere in my garden is an indeterminate that is growing like crazy without any pruning. LOL.

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