September 28, 2024

VIDEO: HOW TO: Interplant Tomatoes

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Theme music composed by Curtis Stone and performed by Dylan Ranney.

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20 thoughts on “VIDEO: HOW TO: Interplant Tomatoes

  1. have you thought about sprinkling mycorrihizal fungi as well into the transplant holes along with your organic 4-4-4 and compost?

  2. A couple of questions for ya! I am curious what month you started your tomato plants and if you used a UV light. If added light was used what apparatus do you use and what strength UV light bulb? Also, any advice for someone trying to start in Vancouver? Your videos are infinitely helpful!

  3. Why are you growing hot house tomatoes? Is there actually a market for them? I grow hundreds of tomato plants and get top dollar for the tomatoes, but wouldn't get next to nothing for hothouse tomatoes. Nobody will buy them…..pretty tasteless and always hard…..they don't come close to a field grown tomato….

  4. ever thought about increasing production with a companion planting of carrots…. theres a whole book called Carrots Love Tomatos, all about companion planting.  Tomatos and carrots do really well with each other,  an exudate of the carrots benefits the tomatos…..    kinda sad you didnt mention this.

  5. Love this approach! It's like hybrid succession planting. Could you do a video on starting your tomato seedlings or your nursery in general? My tomato plants started indoors this year have developed dark purple, and some yellow leaves. I'm curious if this has ever been an issue of yours, if so, what you did, and also what is the root cause?

  6. We have tried this and it is a challenge to grow heat loving plants in the same space as cold loving. My toms are basically not growing because I'm trying to keep the house cool for all the lettuce in there. So I bought another house just for tomatoes.

  7. My wife and I really enjoyed your presentation Sunday at the Mother Earth News Fair in Asheville NC this past weekend. We always get so much out of all your videos…and we are constantly referring back to your book. Thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge and experience.

  8. Hi Curtis, when planting tomato seeds, do you just put the seed directly into the seed starter without trying to germinate the seeds first? Sorry about the stupid question. I know we have to soak Thai eggplant seeds in water etc..getting the seeds to germinate before transferring them in seed starter. Thanks!

  9. Do you normally feed your tomato seedlings with 4-4-4?  I just found some 4-4-4 plant fertilizer spikes that I bought last year, that I can't remember what exactly what I originally got them for.  In your opinion, do you think they would be a good addition to the pots I transplant the seedlings to (as their transition pots) before putting them out in the garden?

  10. I did the second stage of transplanting for tomatoes.. majority of my sun burst died shortly after.. this is my first year. We make our own transplant/soil/germination mix at home.. the bucket of my dirt.. I forgot to replenish the perlite.. I think that's why they died. Super bummed 🙁 lesson learned

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