September 28, 2024


How to get money for your start up farm without government assistance.
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1 Day Workshop:
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My book:
Quick Cut Greens Harvester:
Knife and Tool Sharpener:
Jang Seeder:
Row Bags:
Insect Netting:
The Coolbot:
Canon Rebel T6i:
Canon wide angle lens 10-18mm:
Shure Lens Hopper shotgun mic:
Joby Gorilla Pod (flexible tripod):
Go Pro action camera:
Phantom 4 Drone:
iPad 4 for drone controller:
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  1. Another way to get a low interest loan is to borrow from your 401k. I left my corporate job to start farming and had a decent savings in my 401k. you can borrow up to half of it with no tax penalties as long as you pay it back. It is nice not having anyone with their hands in your business. I looked into some FSA loans but they wanted to have control over how I operate. just thought I would share. Thanks for your great work! You have been a great resources for many including myself.

  2. Curtis – Good luck with your show in Memphis. I would love to attend but I can't get away from my day-job for a couple of weeks because we are in a critical design review and I am in the middle of some hot issues on payload battery safety too. Please do come back to the South-East more often! Maybe we can hold a workshop in my log barn on my garden/worm-farm operation one day! I do have a website for the worm-farm side of my operation: http://www.GreenGregs.comGreg Allison

  3. Curtis you mentioned in your book and videos your experience raising capital through tree planting, getting your mortgage, etc.
    Have you had any personal experiences with crowdfunding, grant applications, or trying to raise private/community capital?

  4. Good video Curtis !
    If Spain can do without a federal govern ment for a year (now a booming economy and ppl are happy they have less govern mental thieves). Spain is proof, we dont need not stinkin govern mentals! In Spain, there is no feds, AND No riots in the streets, garbage is picked up, roads are paved, no invading hoards…maybe we in Canada dont need these govern mental leaches as well ?

  5. Thanks
    This can also be true with solar, it can be more affordable to take out a loan and buy what you need, hire the pro's to install.
    Because the rent your roof could cost you more in the end or you may not be able to qualify for what you want.
    you may also build a more robust system like battery backup/generator support, more panels for your money when paying cash.

  6. I really like the community bond idea. Great way to get some capital and get rid of some of the product you produce at the same time rather then trying to find new customers sell it and then pay interest. I bet the people that give you the bond also would help promote your product to their family and friends since they have a vested interest in your success.

  7. I got a couple acres out in the high desert 29 Palms California, you think I can get a profitable farm situation going there? Or is the environment too dry?

  8. Does the Canadian Securities Administrators (ironic acronym there) have to oversee all offers of securities, i.e. community bonds? If you call something a bond I would assume that you need a lawyer to guide that process. I know you like asking forgiveness rather than permission, but offering bonds without a lawyer seems a little risky. I know you haven't said not to consult a lawyer. I'm just asking what you think about that.

  9. The risk with a CSA is just huge in this regard:  Suppose you are starting and you find 50 people for 50 CSA shares, and then you can't deliver.  Even if you get things going in the next year, you have probably lost many of those 50 customers forever.  These are people who could have been your core revenue base for many years, plus the referrals they would generate, etc.  Maybe you could find a way to make good in the following year, but that would still hurt your revenue in year two.

  10. Hi Curtis. Here in Ontario the Wynne Government just made it harder to be a farmer due to the new Provincial Impact Tax that basically put your annual tax bill so high that it is very hard to continue to farm the land.

  11. I don't trust subsidies anyways…. at least with my non-ag experience, I had gotten a subsidy for healthcare due to my low salary for about a year where they helped pay a certain percentage of each monthly payment for insurance. As soon as I got a slightly higher paying job (still well below MD state average but I guess it went over their limit), they made me pay every penny back when it was taxes time. MAde me just not trust them much…

  12. I tried the crowdfunding of five thousand on Kickstarter and Indiegogo. I got a couple of people on Kickstarter, but no dice. Now I am on Go Fund Me for eight thousand and I got nothing, nada, zilch. Maybe that will change by next year. I have no friends in Camden County that would drop even a dollar. Lots of cheapskates around here. The Community Bond sounds interesting, where could I learn more? I will probably wait until the NJTV report comes out about my farm in the Fall so I have something to take to the credit union, like, see that, we were on tv. CSA, the one market I have been doing, people are oblivious to CSA and could care less. Will be doing a second farmers market, hopefully folks there are more interested in CSA.

  13. You also forget that Private investment could be, allowance to allow use of their property to grow on as well. Since the space for use to grow on to make the farm could be considered private investment.

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