July 2, 2024

VIDEO: The Wim Hof Method with Ben Pelton Part 2

Discover the Wim Hof Method with certified instructor, Ben Pelton. This technique gives you the ability to regulate your body temperature through mental focus and a natural sequence of breathing. Ben helps participants learn how to transcend daily stresses to bring a greater peace to every area of life. In part 2, Ben finishes his presentation and leads a series of breathing exercises before plunging into the ice bath emerging with a renewed sense of deep peace and relaxation.

13 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Wim Hof Method with Ben Pelton Part 2

  1. I shared this video and part one with my friend, who had expressed interest in attending a Wim Hof workshop. Like me, he thought they were fantastic and top-notch quality! He said he usually only has the attention span for short videos, but he watched them both in one sitting.

  2. Those native american chants remind me of another video of Wim Hof where he demonstrated his method before a public. The "warming up" session included expirations like in the music.

  3. REALLY GREAT demo vid. THANK YOU..I love what you are doing and you are doing a great job, but please consider that the word sick means SICK..(@ 1:16:24) If a person says "that's sick" when he means "that's pretty cool" it means he or she has literally been programmed to start using the word sick in exchange for a word that means cool or good. Please understand what I'm saying. Think how many young people are saying this now and not even thinking about what they are saying, and how that can and does affect their reality and our reality.. Right now thousands of people are speaking the word SICK and they dont even know why they are saying it. When did that "switch" happen and why? It's part of the programming and as an instructor of health practices, you should be aware of this. I say this with all due respect. It's a habit.. a programmed habit.. and it is not good. The word sick means SICK.

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