September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Where Did They Go?

Where did all my white chickens go? Let’s chat…
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~ Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens:
~ The Chicken Health Handbook:
~ Storey’s Guide to Raising Goats:
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~ The Backyard Guide to Raising Farm Animals:
~ Folks, This Ain’t Normal:
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~ Sloggers Chicken Boots:
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Where Did They Go?

  1. My white homing pigeons always got hit and killed by Hawks. The dark ones not as often… I agree that white or light ones are highly visible to predators!

  2. Yes your right I order 20 guenias last October let them out end March had 12 white three blues and purples now I have 5 left lost 5 white guenias in on day it's so heart breaking

  3. Patara I have a question: what do you use to mark your eggs? I usually use a pencil to put X’s and O’s but I saw the video where you hatched the cream legbars and you used a marker of some sort. Thx!

  4. Yep, white chickens are a beaken. It's such a shame Too! I stick with barred rock, black giant, silverlaced Wyandottes mostly and buff Orpington too. We've had fox come in the yard in broad daylight! And everything at night! Owl got one of our cats Too! An Orange and white one(well, we are UT fans) he got loose, but couldn't walk for 3 weeks! Vet said owl talon. Near his spine. He stayed in at night after THAT! Hawks are bad Too! Bee Blessed Danny and Rita in TN on Rooster's Ridge

  5. I have white legghorns, the best layers, the quickest to get away and very aggressive. They are not so easy to get. I loose the most docile and friendly first.

  6. The color of the birds may have sone effect on the owls, but i have lost birds of all colors to all sorts of predators. Mostly hawks and foxes. I will be trying guard geese and if that doesnt help, ill have to get a great pyrenees.

  7. This spring has been hard on us with our flock. I thought it was a bird of pray till we set up the deer cameras around our property and found out it was raccoons!

  8. Can't understand the dislikes on this video, they must need more coffee! I love your videos, so much information you share and just love you and your family. God Bless!

  9. Had not considered, but with eagles, hawks, owls, coyotes, possum, skunk, raccoon and even bobcat on our property, we will need to do all we can.

    That storm was a blessing yesterday! Has Cochise gone through his spring shed? I've got bits of Buck everywhere despite almost daily brushing and he is only half pyr….

    For Patara and/or other pyr parents – of your dogs are outside/working and have the double dew claws, is there any concern about them getting injured? We just rescued a golden pyr and she has double dews on the back feet. Still young and boisterous, and I worry about her snagging them in brush, etc.

  10. i knew you were going to say Predators, as soon as you said you were switching to darker colored birds. When I check on them when they are out, the light birds immediately attract your vision. Predators see the same thing. I do have two light Brahmas, and recently got two Salmon Faverolles, but the others are much darker colors, for that reason. And because I like those breeds! Thanks Patara!

  11. My landlady lets her chickens run loose. Every year she complains that white and light-colored birds are taken by aerial predators. She doesn't believe in penning them up ( very long and stupid story), but as long as she doesn't protect them, she'll keep losing them.

  12. Terrific information! Never thought about this but makes total sense! Thank you, Patera. You're always thinking and problem solving. Thanks for sharing with us!!

  13. Were the LGDs in the same paddock as the chickens that got taken? Up until this spring my chickens were all pretty dark but now were also raising Royal Palm turkeys… Their white color concerns me when it comes to predators. Thankfully we've not had any issues with predators on this property. Seems like there's enough woods around to keep the predators well fed.

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