September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Water & Agriculture: Critical Consciousness for Healing the Planet Part 4

The availability, quality, and integration of water in food production is an overlooked yet central feature of food systems. Leaders in the work of water interfaces are John Todd and his son Jonathan, who combine cutting edge research with dynamic design to restore waterways all over the world as functional, living components of natural and built environments. In this workshop, we will work with Todd Ecological to consider our farm pond as a case study. We will explore the personality of water features, from chemistry to plant and animal life, and the meaning of their interactions. We will then create a design plan with participants as we learn the application of methods the Todd’s have used worldwide – from rehabilitating city sewage treatment to creating resiliency on entire islands. We will envision and plan tangible examples for healing ecosystems at the farm scale and much larger. In part 4, Jonathan begins by discussing the importance of low overhead and being nimble with resources as ecological designers.

2 thoughts on “VIDEO: Water & Agriculture: Critical Consciousness for Healing the Planet Part 4

  1. So that artificial lake that you installed the systems in with those three bubblers – do they force the water towards the systems so it can be filtered? Or is the idea behind the bubbler different?

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