September 28, 2024

VIDEO: How to Milk a Goat

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Here’s a basic how-to of my daily milking routine!

I mention Guildbrook Farms goat video which you can view here:

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Thank you to our friend Daniel Smith for providing all our music.

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Milk a Goat

  1. Love the video. Great job! We watch Guildbrook too. We're still preparing to move. Hopefully be end of summer we'll be in Pottsville. Can't wait to get together and I want to gift my Mom some of your chickens. She lost a few this spring.

  2. Ticks are really bad this year what would your suggestion be for dogs. We have the collar and de but they are still getting on them. They come and go as they please in the house through a doggie door. We have an Australian Cattle Dog and an Australian Shepherd lots of hair

  3. Thank you so much for this video! We plan to get goats next year, so I’ve been watching anything and everything GOAT. This is the best tutorial I’ve seen. Great job!

  4. I’m excited to milk my first goat. This video was pretty helpful. 🙂 We currently have 2. One can’t be bred and is a yearling. The other has had 1 litter before I got her but isn’t in milk. So there are other goats in our future (hopefully sometime this summer)

  5. That was very informative, thank you. I am awaiting my first goat due. I’ve never had goats and I’m scared to death. Can you do a video on how to make cheese? What should I be feeding my now preg doe and soon to be nursing doe. I don’t think I’m feeding right. Also any advice on feeding a year and half old duck. I don’t want him to get renal calculi. Thank you again.

  6. I'm just a citified gardener girl that has only cats, however I really enjoyed learning about milking goats. You explained it thoroughly, thanks so much, love your videos.

  7. I love listening/watching you teach anything. I have no intention of buying/owning goats and I still watched this whole video with my full focus lmao

  8. I remember my aunt trying to teach me how to milk a goat many, many years ago… I never did get it right but she never once mentioned pinching off the top or the reason why. Although I know we'll never have goats of our own, it's always fun watching you with yours. ♥

  9. Could you use coffee filters ? and repurpose the funnel/coffee holder from a drip coffee maker. ? I will watch the Training vid up next. A vid or tutorial on milking intervals and when to separate the kids or not and what to look out for in regards to utter health. Do you need to clean tits after milking ? Thanks

  10. Everytime i watch you talk about milking goats i cant help but notice the similarities to human breastfeeding lol but im kinda glad about that because as someone who has breastfed babies it makes me feel like i have just a little bit extra knowledge about goats too

  11. I had a stainless steel milk pail that I bought and had a half of the milk pail had a half of top . It was made for milking. I got mine from Hoegger. and it allows me to use both hands and this way the helps the utters stay. and if the goat goes to try to kick you do not let go of the utter and gently push up on the utter and they stop kicking, and if they try to kick again you repeat gently pushing on the utter again. I use to go out twice a day to milk let them out to pasture after the morning milking. and put them up about two o'clock in the afternoon with a little hay in their feeder. My best time of the day was when I was milking my goats. I don't know if you can still get the style of goat bucket I had. I bought mine back in 1975, and the last time I used it was in 2004 and it still looks as good as when I bought it. I also had a stainless steel milk can with a handle on it to carry the milk back to the house. I was milking four to five goats and sometime even more.

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