June 28, 2024

VIDEO: Grieve Well (Space for Happy Seedlings and Deep Sadness) | VLOG

Hey ya’ll, I’m Jess from Roots & Refuge Farm

Welcome to a place that feels like home. A small farm with a big family. We hope you’ll pull up a chair, grab some coffee and visit awhile.

There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that is exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we’ve learned along the way. Welcome to our journey, friend. I am so glad you’re here.

WHERE TO FIND US (Some of the links here are affiliate links. If you purchase through our links we’ll receive a small commission but the price remains the same – OR BETTER – for you! Be sure to check for any mentioned discount codes.)

– Our Website: https://rootsandrefuge.com
– Sign up for our newsletter: https://rootsandrefuge.com/yt-signup
– Abundance+ (Grab a FREE 7-day trial): https://rootsandrefuge.com/yt-wilder-still
– Shop our Stickers & Shirts: https://rootsandrefuge.com/yt-shop
– Order my book First Time Gardener: https://rootsandrefuge.com/yt-ftgbook
– Pre-order my newest book First Time Homesteader: https://rootsandrefuge.com/first-time-homesteader-yt
– Growing Gardeners Course: https://rootsandrefuge.com/yt-ggcourse
– Instagram: www.instagram.com/roots_and_refuge
– Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rootsandrefuge/
– Email Us: rootsandrefuge@yahoo.com
– To drop us a line:
PO Box 4239
Leesville SC 29070
– To have a gift sent to our house from our Amazon wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/SFA0IZHZRCOZ?ref_=wl_share
– To support us through PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jessicasowards

PRODUCTS WE LOVE – You’ve probably heard me talk about these things a million times, so here’s where you can order them (and get a discount with my code!):

-Music by Epidemic Sound
– Greenstalk Vertical Gardens (Use code “ROOTS10” for $10 off your order): https://rootsandrefuge.com/yt-greenstalk
– ButcherBox: https://rootsandrefuge.com/butcherbox

#rootsandrefuge #homesteading #gardening

22 thoughts on “VIDEO: Grieve Well (Space for Happy Seedlings and Deep Sadness) | VLOG

  1. Thank you Jess, this is why I follow you! I lost my mom and dad within 8 months of each other, a very big sad for me. I am an old lady with grown children and yet I feel like an orphan. Everything you have said is SO true. TY

  2. People shouldn’t be afraid to feel all of their feelings. The people that can experience the most sadness in life are able to feel the most happiness in life. You either feel all of your feelings or none of them. If you learn to dull your “negative” feelings then you will automatically dull your “positive ones.” I am so sorry for your loss.

  3. Thank You for making space for my own grief…I have been trying to contain it, cover it, get over it but your kind, thoughtful, loving spaciousness of spirit allowed it to pour from me and heal the ground on which I will move forward, planting seeds, celebrating tiny new sprouts of hope and gratitude.

  4. Jess I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend – my heart goes out to you as I have experienced similar losses and know well the terrible sadness of it. I have to say, I watch each of your videos not just for the garden tips and advice, but to learn from and experience the evolution of your beautiful, vibrant, spiritual, creative soul. This touched me deeply this evening as I have been going through "the big sad" for several years now and have definitely struggled to grieve well, holding in my pain nearly constantly. Bless you for sharing your grief and letting it out, as well as letting the joy of new seedlings fill you (and us) up. I admire your bravery in sharing both joy and sadness, because it's really hard to let ourselves be vulnerable. Thank you for this beautiful vlog. It really came right to my heart tonight.

  5. I am so sorry for your loss but thank you for sharing. Grieving hits I find in waves allowing it to wash over you and except it will come again.
    It allows the rest of the time you have to be sunny and joyful.
    So happy to se your seedling, I know I plant and always doubt that it will happen my be it excepting it and also an alternative so the good soil is not wasted.

  6. I'm sorry for your loss. Truly sorry. What gifts are friends that we miss when they leave us?! I lost my beautiful husband to brain cancer in 2020. I try to let that sadness out once in awhile, but it is too big even two years later to even comprehend it all. So instead I count my blessings and I, like you feel deeply happy for those little seeds that give me so much in return for the water and food I give it. Gardening was a bit of salvation, along with happy bees, hummingbirds and beautiful blue skies that continue to shine. Thank you for sharing. One day at a time. Sending you big hugs.

  7. God bless you and what you do with your channel. I'm a relatively new gardener and I find much inspiration in your words and your thoughtfulness. I cried right along with you while watching this because I could relate on such a deep level. I look forward to watching your garden grow. I've watched you for a long time but usually on my tv so can never comment… nice to get the chance here to say thank you and I appreciate learning from you.

  8. I lost my first farm animal today. I needed to see this video and the timing couldn't have been better. Thank you, Jess. I'm sorry for your loss and congratulations on your seedlings.

  9. I just love Jessica's enthusiasm over seeds sprouting..I get so excited myself so it's nice to see someone else gets as excited over a tiny baby sprouting as I do..thank you for that Jess

  10. So I ended up crying along with Jessica…I've recently lost both my parents and am an only child..I tend to stay stuck in the big dark sad…I needed to hear this at just the moment I did.. its hard not to get stuck in the big sad…

  11. Im sorry for your loss! I will keep you guys in thoughts an heart . Sending you love an hugs!!!! Thank you for sharing this big hurt! Think of your happy times with her an let that big happy feel your heart an mind. Breath that in! And smile because that's what she would want.

  12. ❤ I don't have words that would help, but I appreciate your rawness,. Be in that grief as long as you need to, and don't loose sight of the one who shines the light on your path through and out of the darkness.

  13. We lost a mother this week. The big sad is heavy in our family and family of friends. Your chat was exactly what we needed. I am sorry for your loss and that young woman's families loss. ❤

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