September 28, 2024

20 thoughts on “VIDEO: Garden Harvest June 2018

  1. Oh my so much fresh foods from the garden. I still have a few days before I get my first squash from my raised bed. First year to garden on my own. You got my sub!

  2. Wow great harvest for one day! I enjoy watching garden channels and updates. I am going to subscribe to you and if you don't mind subscribe back and we can support each other's channel. I do some gardening/yard work stuff and general retirement life stuff. Yall's garden looks great and you are even keeping data!

  3. Dear Lea, this is a looot of beautiful harvest khale… the squash! Green beans and red carrots. Red carrots are the former real carrots, right? The orange ones are not the real deal, is that true? :-))

  4. Very nice harvest! And the thing is that you're only getting started, expect A lot more of these vegtables in the coming month of july, Great video, I wish you the best of luck!

  5. Wow! This is amazing. Just read your discription and I am trying to grow as much as i can as well, bur with much limited space. I love your space and what you are doing. Love it, great job. I want to grow carrots but not sure when to plant the seeds. I was about to fo research but now that we found each other I can ask you lol.. any tips on growing carrots?

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