March 29, 2025

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Complete Guide to Growing Fall Tomatoes

  1. Thank you for explaining that we add the germination and days to maturity together!! Every time I look at a packet I wonder and then forget about it. When I plant early enough it isn’t really a concern, but I plan to hopefully have a fall harvest this year, God Willing, and this really helps out!

  2. All my stuff is basically dead. It's been record heat and humidity levels in SC so I'm trying again later. I do have some cucumbers and I think melons that are kind of growing lol.

  3. I was today years old when I realized I need to add the germination days to the days to maturity to figure out the harvest date. Also, it’s super irritating when days to maturity isn’t on the seed packet.

  4. I planted some of the large red cherry tomatoes just the other day actually so this was great timing. Im in zone 5b eastern ohio, so i figured i could get a decent harvest on them before the end of the season. My other tomato plants are still doing very well.I planted them in succession so some im harvesting from now and the others ill get a harvest from in about a month then once those are done, ill harvest from the cherry tomatoes. Thanks for all the tips!

  5. Minnesota here and am going to try this but will try try with plants. Fall sounds great, since it will be cooler when I can them. I have some summer compost and great organic potting mix to help amend the area I will plant them in the garden.

  6. My tomatoes usually keep growing until it starts freezing and then I have to pull all the green ones off to keep them from getting Frozen so I don't think all Tomatoes would really help me I live in Kansas

  7. Can you shed some light on the effects of very high temps and low rainfall and what we can do to get the best production? For example tomatoes and peppers. My plants look green because I have been watering them almost daily but they are not producing. I am sure there are a lot of gardeners having the same problem. Thanks Luke.

  8. Based off of some of your previous video's this is what I did this year, in particular with my Romas. I began taking suckers and making clones a couple of weeks ago. The clones are looking healthy and should get me that late summer/early fall harvest.

  9. I have cuttings going constantly. If I get a good sucker that got away from me it goes into a pot with moist soil in the partial shade and within 2-3 weeks I slide it in somewhere. Literally all summer I have suckers rooting.

  10. Hmm I live in 6b in washington state. I plant tomatoes in the late spring and they are green and healthy until frost they was over 8 feet tall last year loaded with tomatoes the day before frost. I use 12-16 different kinds of endo mycorrhizae. Lots of azomite for minerals. I focus on the soil instead of the plant. flood water so the water gets 3 feet down. and i only water twice a month I plant my rootballs of the tomatoes as deep as i can. Got ahold of a worm farmer got a bunch of wormcasing that is unfiltered so it had the eggs and baby worms. In the fall after frost I put 6 inches of leaves. This year I have so many red wigglers and night crawlers in my garden. I have never seen redwigglers in soil in washington. So i know where they came from. They ate on the leaves all winter. In the spring there was this crazy black soil layer in between the leaves and soil. If worms have lots of food they multiply fast. Wish i could post pictures on here. My plants are already 5-6 feet tall. I also just trim the bottem leaves and mound up compost around the feet of the tomatoes.

  11. I would love to plant a fall garden but I'm not sure if I still have time to grow from seed I've only got about 90-100 days till my first frost date. Do you have any suggestions on Roma tomatoes that I could still grow?

  12. I bought the Wherokowai tomato from MIGardener. I have one about 2ft. Tall. It has SO MANY FLOWERS, but not a single tomato. I've been trying to hand pollinate and my other tomatoes start fruiting but this one. The flowers are different than say crimson sprinter, Roma or chernobyl yellow.

    Can you make a quick video about Wherokowai tomato? Or hand pollinating the different flower bud types? Does the wherokowai need something different?

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