September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Mutual Aid, Agriculture & Resilience Part 2

Mutual Aid Organizing Strategies for Regenerative Agriculture and Community Resilience: A Practical Intensive, is a workshop where each participant will create an action plan for how to engage in Co-operate WNC’s emerging movement to grow a regional mutual aid society in western North Carolina as a transformative response to the social and ecological challenges we face together.
This grassroots mutual aid initiative uses cooperative economics to support a network of physical community centers that meet human needs and act as organizing hubs for regenerative land use.
Coming straight out of an analysis of the weak links in the permaculture and regenerative agriculture movements, our network is using powerful and historically tested cooperative strategies to scale up our collective impact and project success rates by sharing resources and knowledge more effectively, and by creating dynamic relationships between organizations and communities at a regional scale.
Patryk Battle, Zev Friedman, and Mari Stuart from Co-operate WNC will be bringing context from the larger global/national mutual aid and co-operative movements, as well as themes around land access, climate adaptive farming, permaculture, and agricultural economics.
The content is participatory and emphasizes participants using insights from the various presenters to start where they are with their life, land project, business, or organization, and apply cooperative and mutual aid principles to link it up to this collaborative approach. In part 2, we begin with Mari Stuart of Co-operate WNC as she tells us about the Carbon Harvest cooperative farm program.

3 thoughts on “VIDEO: Mutual Aid, Agriculture & Resilience Part 2

  1. If it were tax free and involved no government involvement, I would be in. Let people form their own co-operatives without help. This forces the issue and someone is benefitting from this organization.

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