September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Don't Forget to Prepare (Front Porch Chat about Preparing, Security & Being Wise, Not Afraid)

Resources Mentioned:

That’s Not the shepherd DEVO:
The Urgency to Grow Food:

Growing from Grocery Store Food:

Hey ya’ll, I’m Jess from Roots & Refuge Farm

Welcome to a place that feels like home. A small farm with a big family. We hope you’ll pull up a chair, grab some coffee and visit awhile.

There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that is exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we’ve learned along the way. Welcome to our journey, friend. I am so glad you’re here.

WHERE TO FIND US (Some of the links here are affiliate links. If you purchase through our links we’ll receive a small commission but the price remains the same – OR BETTER – for you! Be sure to check for any mentioned discount codes.)

– Our Website:
– Sign up for our newsletter:
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PO Box 4239
Leesville SC 29070
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PRODUCTS WE LOVE – You’ve probably heard me talk about these things a million times, so here’s where you can order them (and get a discount with my code!):

– Greenstalk Vertical Gardens (Use code “ROOTS10” for $10 off your order):
– Squizito Tasting Room (Use code “ROOTS” for 10% off your order):
– ButcherBox:
– Growers Solution:

#rootsandrefuge #homesteading #gardening

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Don't Forget to Prepare (Front Porch Chat about Preparing, Security & Being Wise, Not Afraid)

  1. Could a recent tattoo have caused the eczema flare-up? Our city water makes my skin burn after a bath or shower, but it goes away after 30 minutes. I can't imagine how you are suffering 24/7.

  2. I wonder how much we could all provide of our own food if we each had three 4 ft by 8 ft beds and grew tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, green beans, potatoes, garlic, and onions? Across the entire country.

  3. I have to say the shelling of the peas was quite relaxing. I used to say that it was an awakening as well, and for some it has been. But when I look around and things have returned similarly to what was, that awakening has ceased in a lot of regards. And the sensitivity and respect that you speak of is few and far between a lot of times….I have certainly not given up hope but when you have content creators putting out content that is not based in total fact or ability, it is unsettling and that hope seems ever fleeting. It is entertaining and draws in subs but…that in my opinion is just opportunistic. I am thankful that your content is real and these devotionals speak mountains.

    And one thing I will say Jess, is that the reason you got all the contaminated soil is because you have the ability and the platform to analyze it, come up with a solution and relay some hope to those people who are feeling defeated because they got the same. They were feeling alone, but because you have experienced it first hand, they don't feel alone and they realize there is hope. It was part of the "prepare" message. Take care and God Bless.

  4. I always appreciate your words on this matter and I know you don’t go into it lightly ❤. Also, do you mind sharing the name of the Costco outlet you mentioned? Mr. Google doesn’t seem to be helping me find it. Thx.

  5. Camping gear on the cheap! If you need it when you camp, you may need it in a large emergency. Just plan a fun camping trip, & then get stocked. Fun not frightening, you'll get the knowledge & maybe community. If you all have abundance, bless another soul. I gave someone seeds the other day, & it was is they had won the lottery! Petroleum jelly is a good fire starter even if you don't want to use it on your body, so hey, you can always use it for that. Love you all & God bless!

  6. I totally agree about folks saying they’ll go back to the land and here I am saying every year, “man, if I HAD to grow my garden and ACTUALLY feed my family from it, I would probably have to sleep in it to keep all the pests, critters away and the wind from taking down the corn and all the other things that want to kill my food!!! I can’t imagine trying to learn all those lessons while starving!

  7. Stocking and prepping is not frightening to me, but canning is. Stories from microbiology about green beans not being canned properly killing people, and pressure cookers blowing up, etc. I can just skip the green beans (or dry them), but is there a way to can without the pressure cooker?? (p.s. You can get food grade white buckets cheap at walmart and the nice spin top lids at home depot in AZ and ID.)

  8. I highly recommend Bear Independent channel and his Prepper Classroom playlist. He goes through the process of calculating the amount of food you need, water storage, collection, and filtering, and much more.

  9. What a wonderful video. Thank you so much. I love these conversations.
    My rude awakening was over a routine city water street "shut off" due to a main line down the street leak. That fix/repair turned into 2 1/2 days without any water. I had zero water stored & zero backup. I live in CA where we're always reminded to have Earthquake/Fire/Flood preparing items "ready." I have a garden, but didn't even have the backup to water the veggies.
    I honestly was shocked & disappointed in myself for not being worried. The water shut down was so minor in the scheme of big things that may take much longer to resolve.
    So now I do have a bit of "this & that" that I now add items to monthly to ease my mind & stock up for my family. It's not difficult. We even stock up on charcoal for the regular BBQ & propane for the other one.

  10. Jess you are amazing and I have been feeling that way for years. I garden and taught myself canning from a “canning for dummies”book I got at Barnes and Noble years ago. I also crochet. I have taught my children those things to for survival because we just may need to go back to the basics someday. God bless you and thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.

  11. About feminine products, you will never have to buy a pad or tampon again with a mental cup and a couple pairs of period underwear. I switched several years ago, no regrets.

  12. I am Pagan, I still find value in your wisdom and words. I learn so much from your family. Religion does NOT have to be a defining separator of people. We can all agree to get along and love each other despite our differences. Everyone has valuable knowledge to share. ❤❤

  13. Jess, love your videos! My parents were born in 1916 (dad) & 1917 (mom) grew up with the hard times of the Great Depression. Though dad gave us a very modest well traveled ( living overseas) as a chemical engineer the depression upbringing never left them and was instilled in us kids. We lived in Holland in the mid 1970's when there was gasoline rationing stamps and NO driving on the weekends. Oh, the childhood stories of the Great Depression spilled forth. I listened….and learned. And of course my elder brothers were born in '42 and '45. Many years (40 yrs +/-) ago I felt the need to leave the city and eventually start a homestead; 7.1 acres river front. As I near my retirement date I have made every move to be for sustainable. Learn my lesson during the snow of Tx and my booster pump froze and split…but I have always keep 12 gals of H20 in the house and 12 gals in the van ( never know when you may see a stray thirsty dog on the side of the road + carry trial size dog food for a stray). I have a "Go Bag" ( actually my late dad's briefcase) with certified copies of birth, marriage & divorce, land and vehicle ownership. Also, a towel, washrag, new pkg of socks and undies, soap, matches, lighters plus cash….and I keep adding as I think of things. It's ready to go at a moments notice if I need to evacuate due to weather or anything else. My van is always configure to accommodate the dogs I currently have. NOT gloom and doom…but, SMART. Tornadoes and Hurricanes DON'T give a LOT of notice. I've started a seed exchange at work. And ( since I am a family of me and my three dogs) I don't need a huge garden so currently doing 5 gal bucket gardening (Home Grown veg in the UK), and landed a gold mine of FREE round empty buckets and free square mayo buckets from a local BBQ place. I didn't mean to ramble so long but I have learned so much from your adventure.

  14. If I might add… you talked about first aid. I pressure can water to have sterile water on hand to be able to immediately cleanse a wound. You do not want to have to wait to boil water in some situations. Bulk salt, and epsom salts to soak wounds if need be. It takes quite a bit of salt and water several times a day. I have been there and had to do it. Especially with our autoimmune issues this is so important. Thanks Jess great video!

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