September 28, 2024

VIDEO: 6 Crops You Can Hang to Finish Ripening

If you have the threat of frost, and there you are close to a harvest but not quite, you can harvest these crops, hang them up in a well ventilated area to finish ripening.

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: 6 Crops You Can Hang to Finish Ripening

  1. I just got done putting cherry tomatoes in the compost pile. As soon I found that I can hang them, I had to rush out to the pile and hung them up before I had to go to work in 45 minutes! Thanks, Luke!!!!

  2. I want to experiment with hanging the last of my ground cherries next year before the frost after watching this because they behave so similarly to cherry tomatoes in a lot of ways. I think they would be a good option for this.

  3. A friend of mine from Mexico who actually had a couple of restaurants in Mexico, told me what to do with green tomatoes!! Make enchilada verde sauce!! If anyone wants the recipe I will post it. So easy.

  4. I am still picking peppers. I know it is a little late, but next Tuesday, I will be pulling up my pepper plants, amending the soil with compost, and sowing seeds for radishes, kohlrabi, carrots, Japanese red mustard, Late Nagasaki cabbage, winter choy, Komatsuna, chijimisai, tatsoi, Swiss Chard, and spinach. I'll be covering them with cat netting, and switching it out for greenhouse plastic in six weeks. I might even try to sneak in some late turnips and beets too. Alabama zone 7B

  5. I'm a new gardener in Baton Rouge Louisiana, zone 9A. I have 3 white eggplant fruits still on the plant in a container. They are not getting any bigger. I have no idea what to do with them now. I also have 3 cherry tomatoes plants, in containers, still throwing fruit. Should I allow them to continue on the plant for the next 3 weeks, hang them, or something else? Confused.

  6. Any suggestions on green Luffa? They are huge just not yellow yet might just try to bring inside. Year 2 at least I have viable Luffa but not yellow.

  7. Thanks Luke, I love watching your shows. Years ago my Grandma used to pull her tomato plants and drag them into her basement. where she just threw them into a pile and they ripened. I've never tried it myself but next year I'm going to try hanging some your way. YOU'RE THE MAN! YEAH!

  8. My mom had a round screen for drying herbs, I collected the bean plants and tossed those on with the herbs. I wonder if hanging is better than laying them flat on the screen?

  9. didnt realize this about green beans. i was letting some seed ripen up when we had that frost come through a couple of weeks ago. I did get about a quart worth of seed but some of it looks a little rough because of the frosty night but thankfully a lot of it still looks good. I will definitely know what to do next time im in that situation now.

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