September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Growing Broccoli from Sowing to Harvest 🥦

Broccoli: Cartoon trees full of GOODNESS! What’s not to like?!
Broccoli is a powerhouse of antioxidants, vitamins and fibre. It comes in all sorts of shapes and colours and each variety can be sown and harvested at different times, meaning you will have a something tasty to pick all year round…if you know how!
Ben shares his top tips for a bumper broccoli harvest in this week’s episode. Give it a big green thumbs up!

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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing Broccoli from Sowing to Harvest 🥦

  1. love your videos. Very helpful. I have tried for 3 years to start brocolli. Tried many different mediums and after the plants get their 1st true leaves they start to die. I can't figure out why. Thought soil blocking might be the answer and nope happening to those too. What am I doing wrong?

  2. I have lost so many brassica to the dreaded moth! This year, I turned tomato cages upside-down, bent the wires down, and covered in tulle to surround each beautifully growing cabbage. I have high hopes for harvesting some non-bug-eaten cabbages this fall.
    So far, so good.

  3. Hello Ben,
    Questions, please. I'm in the zone 5 Wisconsin my broccoli has sprouted flowers couple of months back. We've had a couple of Frosty already very light ones though. Can I just leave the broccoli in and it'll come up next year or do you have to take everything out? And are the broccoli heads that are out there still good to eat? One last thing once I pull up everything that's in the same bed as the broccoli. Which is the sweet potatoes and I have a kale there. Can I plant garlic in the same bed if I leave the broccoli and possibly the kale in there?

  4. I am interested in the net you use. It looks to me great for cabbage moth and other biggish pests but it does not seem fine enough to keep aphids out. Have done a lot of research re aphids nets, but haven't found anything suitable. I live in Tasmania, Australia. Aphids decimate my lettuces also. Would really appreciate your comment.

  5. Here in Kent, my brocolli always bolts in summer, its always useless. How do I stop this from happening, when should I sow it in the greenhouse ideally so it doesn't have to grow in the heat and bolt?

  6. Heavy sigh, so sad.
    Had to give up on broccoli, after many failed crops in recent years.
    I'm in zone 9b; we've had several quite mild winters in a row and every broccoli i've tried, has bolted.

  7. I bought my calabrese broccoli seeds today (early February) and will start them indoors on the weekend. I haven't grown it before and only buy a few heads a year but I recently started to widen my food choices and was shocked to see how much supermarkets charge for stuff. My pack of seeds cost less than I'd pay for a single withered-looking head in the supermarket. Great tip about using stems in soup too! Thanks for posting

  8. Thank you this looks awesome and very informative. I think I prefer broccoli although sprouts also look good. Personally I will be attempting a balcony garden I think these will be the ones hanging from the railing. Ps I think this video is so good I will definitely check out your channel

  9. tried PSB over the last 12 months and its done nothing apart from being ravaged by pests. Will take an interest in this to find out what the hell we did wrong…

  10. I've tried many times , sowing Broccoli in winter , spring , summer , and in autumn to overwinter under cover , and in every instance once it grows and ready to create a head/sprouts , it bolts and flowers .

  11. It would be nice if you could set a direction on the garden so that it knows where the sun is and if it would calculate shade from walls etc it would be a lot more useful. So far its not doing it for me as its just easier to use paper and pen and then I can also see where the shade and sun is if I draw that in myself. But it really should be includes in the planner to show where is súnny and shaded so I was a bit disaapointed ..also the last frost date for ireland is in may??? That means a lot of things would Bolt by june heat when they haven't grown fully yet. Which makes me think im going to need a tunnel for earlier heat and later shade.. it gets very hot here in summer the last few years usually around june july and a long drought too. So that explains why everything in my garden bolted flowers before making any leaves as I didnt plant out till may. Damn irelands weather.

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