June 28, 2024

VIDEO: GGC – 44 – Van Life Below Zero + New Year's Resolutions

A show and tell of our frozen home during the winter months. Plus, new for 2016…
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/aguyagirlandacampervan
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/guygirlvan

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: GGC – 44 – Van Life Below Zero + New Year's Resolutions

  1. does it take long to warm up the van when you get home from work? Are you freezing for awhile when you get home? What kind of heat are you using? sorry if you have answered these questions before.

  2. Love you both together! Such love and so cute to watch! Learning a lot from watching your videos and your personalities are so warm! Glad I discovered your channel- one of the better van life channels on YouTube! Keep it up!

  3. Hi I found You Both through, Adam the Woo (He lived in a Van, till bout 3 Mths ago.!)
    I have become a little concerned for You both, not sure if You mentioned or not, whether You have a Carbon Monoxide Alarm, with that little Propane-Blower..?
    Sorry I didn't have a more exciting Question/Statement…
    Have fun, Peace, Love n' Light to Ya Both

  4. In 92/93/94 I lived in a old homemade (over built n was 6,200 lbs!) shagging wagon. I was back in College (Calagary), Anyhow me and 2 other students used to head out 2 the rocks to go skiing Every Tuesday nite. Slept in the van. 1 night temp dropped 2 45 C / 47 F? -50F? Furnace propane gelled up and furnace stopped working! Woke up frozen nearly too death! Dragged boots into lodge n could not even talk we were so cold. High for that day was -35C! Skied that day anyways! Spent many super cold nites in that van! Van used to get 10 miles per gallon! Loved that van. Best $500 I ever spent! In winter U could not use portaptty and you dumped out the water every morning. Hot water bootles in sleeping bag were your friends. 12 volt blanket only lasted a few hours! Man it can get cold in the Rockies at nite in winter.

  5. Yeah winter in the camper is definitely a challenge. That is why, this winter, I am staying at my dad's, lol. I am very cold sensitive so cold is extremely difficult for me. In our camper, even the inside walls get ice on them! So last year I woke up a lot with ice in my hair. Plus it is really hard to stay warm enough at night, for me, comfortably. I spent two winters with like 5 layers on, plus lots of blankets and was constantly cold. And our food was constantly frozen. Yeah campers are NOT well insulated. Now that we are building our cabin, we have more insulation. omg I cannot wait till winter is over and I can go back to my homestead!

  6. Just ran across your video from New Years Day 2016… Hope you are enjoying the "different place" you referenced. My wife and I used to go camping and she couldn't handle the time camping in a tent, on the ground. Just celebrated our 42nd wedding anniversary though, so it is understanding you don't always have to enjoy all the same things, just respect that that other person wants a bit of "space", too. Maybe our paths will cross in a Canadian campground in the future as I've ridden up that way a couple of times on my motorcycle and will do so again across the trans Lab and back to "the Rock" for ten days or so. Can't wait if our winter ever ends here in So. Indiana….It got soooo cold here.. the birdbath actually is covered with ice! On April 5th.. unbelievable.

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