September 28, 2024

VIDEO: My Journey Into Gardening & Why I Garden (A Response of Sorts to MIGardener)

MIGardener’s “Why Did I Start Gardening?” Video:

Luke’s Video About the Orange Rousillini Tomato:

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24 thoughts on “VIDEO: My Journey Into Gardening & Why I Garden (A Response of Sorts to MIGardener)

  1. When I was growing up, we only had a garden for one season. Now as an adult and living in Arizona I miss the greenery. We built our first planter box about 4 years ago and started will bell peppers and tomatoes. This year we added three more planter boxes and I am really itching to try new things. We have so many new experiment plants this season. I love the greenery and the empowerment that I kept something alive and the bonus is getting to eat the fruits of my labor.

  2. I grew up spending tons and tons of time with my grandparents as a child and was lucky enough to garden with my grandparents. My grandfather had a huge garden in his backyard and my sister and I spent a lot of time picking beans and carrots, tomatoes, and so on. I loved it and missed it after we moved away.

    Then, when my son was born with food allergies, I had the same experience as you–having to read labels and realizing how messy our food systems are or can be, and what it meant to eat real or whole foods.

    I've had a few small gardens here and there, but more recently inherited part of a cow farm. I'm starting my first garden in 15 years today. I hope to grow enough for my son and I (he's 20 now), a friend's family, and two other friends. I've learned so much from you and from Justin Rhoads. Please keep up the great work!

  3. This video resonates so much with me. Over the past couple years I found my passion for growing. It's incredibly heartwarming seeing someone speak how I feel about it and knowing they have found their joy. Keep up with sharing for us people just starting out journey to find out tribe.

  4. rewatching this and I gotta comment AGAIN! God's Nature, it is being in His presence, His nature, He shows us His Nature in all the symbiotic relationships of His nature. It blew me away when I found out that the mold web communicates with the plants and how plants talk to each other was so astonishing to me. Except a seed fall to the ground and die… I love you Jess thnx for sharing, you are such an inspiration to so many, thank you for being YOU and who you are. You BLESS me.

  5. I garden (and my boyfriend gardens too) because we need a place to relax and to escape to. A place to save money on our food bill, we have had a few years that been VERY though and hard, and while watching "Mandelmanns" on swedish tv (they are farmers in south of sweden), it got to ous that we need to grow our own food right now! So we bought our own allotment garden last fall and now we are starting a bit late because we both got assulted by our drug using neighbour last month and we had to move out of our apartment and in with my dad for the time being. And we garden to use less plastic and to be more healthy as well ❤️

  6. I know what you mean by finding your community! My sister and I have always been close, and lately, we both discovered we wanted to grow our own food. She wants to grow all the things lol, and I want a small farm with animals. My kids are autistic, and my middle child has severe gluten allergies, so eating healthy is super important to me. (Whenever she buys yet another pack of seeds that she doesn't have the space for, we joke that "Jess made us do it.") I live in an apartment right now, so she has graciously let me share her garden, and it is my favorite place to be! We get together once a week to hang out, have a break from the stresses of the week and get our "garden therapy" in. There is something so peaceful about digging in the dirt and the smell of plants! My sister and I are constantly talking about plants and flowers and our dreams, and are so glad we have each other to gush to so we don't bother those that aren't interested in hearing about the best time to plant carrots, lol.

  7. Jessica, I just love your channel. I have been binge watching your channel while I sew. Then I get to watch you farm while I get to play with my favorite tool. :). My garden is super super small in comparison but I’ve learned a lot just listening to you while I sew. Your kids and hubby are adorable. I also really want to go hug your curly pigs!

  8. Dear Jess, thank you for sharing this, and leading me to the MIGardener channel. I do share your passion for the garden, but I sort of buried it again after things became clear we couldn't afford a big piece of land, for sure not in our own country. Your passion lights mine back up, and I got even my husband into it! Not that we can afford a farm/homestead now, but we do have 4 chickens now, and next season a little piece of land more or less close by our little town. (We live in the oldest town of Holland by the way 😉 )
    You gave me hope, and my passion back. I dug that talent of me up out of the ground, and am going to do something with it. Thank you <3 <3
    I bless you, God is blessing you too.
    Love from The Netherlands,

  9. That is exactly how I felt. I felt so alone. I was studying permaculture and everyone I knew where old-school farming (not organic) till gardening. They made fun of my Pawpaw for sneaking veggies in the flower beds. I didn't understand back then my Pawpaw was ahead of his time. What I wouldn't give to plant tomatoes with him now like I used to… He is a huge reason why I garden…❤️

  10. Hi Jess, thanks so much for this video, your story inspires me.

    As a woman in her early 20s feeling like having no direction in her life, gardening is the only thing that keeps me rooted in the present. 2 years ago, I started with a tomato transplant that was given to me by a church member and since then, I developed a passion to learn more about growing food. I’m still learning from my mistakes but your channel gives me joy and hope to continue forward. God bless!

  11. I don’t usually comment on videos, but I wanted to sincerely THANK you for telling me that it’s okay to find unbridled joy in the simple things. Like you, I’m the only person that I know that loves to garden, especially at age 23. I feel like I’ve found a friend. Thank you thank you thank you. ♥️

  12. My mother grew up on a farm and cared for animals and grew food with her family. I've always been interested in growing things because the idea of seeds fascinated me. Just like how a blanket can be crocheted or knitted from a single strand of yarn, A whole fruit or vegetable can be grown from a single seed. And that fruit can give many seeds to grow more fruits. Fascinating. This is my first year really trying to do it right and it's been bringing me such joy seeing the little green seedlings pop up from the soil.

    I garden because it brings me joy and the idea that I'll get to eat something I cared for makes me excited

  13. You're awesome. I love your joy for gardening. I'm obsessed and in love with gardening as well and you are an inspiration for me to continue on the path that I'm on. Thank you Jess!

  14. Wow! So just last night my husband looked at me and asked “are you happy?” It caught me off guard because I had just spend so much time with the Lord fasting and praying for a few weeks and as I thought about it my response was basically what you just talked about in the beginning. I am a homeschooling mama who has a passion for intentional living and natural care. I gardened here and there but knew I felt called to homestead. I just told him of course I’m happy the Lord has been so kind to us. But personally I’m just lonely. I feel so flooded with passion for things and feel like I can’t ever truly express my wonder and joy. I told him it’s weird that I go to YouTube to connect with those “like me”. I started my channel a few years ago but got discouraged and I keep putting off this creative outlet that I know would be fun maybe not so lonely for me. You give me hope haha 🙂

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