June 16, 2024

VIDEO: Garden Update, Hungry Squirrel, and Groceries for the Week

Quick update on what’s growing in the garden, what we have planted from seed ready to be planted in the garden, the critter that has been eating our garden, and our grocery shopping for the week.

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Garden Update, Hungry Squirrel, and Groceries for the Week

  1. Everything is looking so good! This week sure is a winter blast here in NC. We has 1.5 inch of snow yesterday. When I seen that bag of rice I was waiting on.. And tonight we are having squirrel and rice for dinner..LOL Can't wait to see everything planted this season. Your going to have a wonderful garden!

  2. Great spinach, tomatoes and peppers (and everything else). Quite envious. Sorry about the Kale and Kohl Rabi. Naughty squirrel, but she's only doing what comes naturally and we do share this planet and its bounty with all the creatures, so it's going to happen!

  3. Love that bird call in the background. I don't recognize it though unfortunately. You have a very awesome garden and humongous yard very cool. I love spinach and bell peppers.

  4. Nice update Lea! Very interesting over all. I hope you and the squirrel can find a way to live together in peace. I admire your thriftiness in shopping! Occasionally I remember to use a coupon, but more often I either forget or just don't care enough to deal with them.

  5. Heya, thank you for the garden update. Khale (that was khale….) and I love it, similar to kohlrabi, it soo turned into my favourite recently. And awww….. the little squirrel mom. Haha, she hops towards the camear. Sweet to let her do and call her a visitor. 😉 Clevergrocery shopping trip (good potatoe price!)Happy Saturday! Greetings. .. .

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